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Kemal Oflazer (oflazer)

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    Karttunen, Lauri and Oflazer, Kemal. 2000. Introduction to the Special Issue on Finite-State Methods in NLP.” Computational Linguistics 26(1): 1–2.
    Oflazer, Kemal. 1996. Error-Tolerant Finite-State Recognition with Applications to Morphological Analysis and Spelling Correction.” Computational Linguistics 22(1): 73–89.
    Oflazer, Kemal. 2003. Dependency Parsing with an Extended Finite-State Approach.” Computational Linguistics 29(4): 515–544.
    Oflazer, Kemal, Nirenburg, Sergei and McShane, Marjorie. 2001. Bootstrapping Morphological Analyzers by Combining Human Elicitation and Maching Learning.” Computational Linguistics 27(1): 59–84.
    Oflazer, Kemal and Tür, Gökhan. 1996. Combining Hand-Crafted Rules and Unsupervised Learning in Constraint-Based Morphological Disambiguation.” in EMNLP’96. Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, edited by Eric Brill and Kenneth W. Church, pp. 69–81. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Oflazer, Kemal and Tür, Gökhan. 1997. Morphological Disambiguation by Voting Constraints.” in ACL-97. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, edited by Paul R. Cohen and Wolfgang Wahlster, pp. 222–229. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Oflazer, Kemal and Tür, Gökhan. 1998. Implementing Voting Constraints with Finite State Transducers.” in FSMNLP’98: International Workshop on Finite State Methods in Natural Language Processing, edited by Lauri Karttunen, pp. 91–100. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.