Charles L. Ortiz, Jr. (ortiz-cl)
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desJardins, Marie E., Durfee, Edmund H., Ortiz, Charles L., Jr. and Wolverton, Michael. 1999. “A Survey of Research in Distributed, Continual Planning.” The AI Magazine 20(4): 13–22.
Ortiz, Charles L., Jr. 1997a. “Causal Pathways of Rational Action.” Unpublished manuscript, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University.
Ortiz, Charles L., Jr. 1997b. “The Semantics of Event Prevention.” Unpublished manuscript, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University.
Ortiz, Charles L., Jr., ed. 1998a. AAAI-98. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Prospects for a Commonsense Theory of Causation. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Ortiz, Charles L., Jr. 1998b. “Applications of Counterfactuals to Causal Reasoning.” in AAAI-98. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Prospects for a Commonsense Theory of Causation, edited by Charles L. Ortiz Jr., pp. 54. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Abstract.
Ortiz, Charles L., Jr. 1998c. “Introspective and Elaborative Processes in Rational Agents.” Unpublished manuscript, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University.
Ortiz, Charles L., Jr. 1999a. “Explanatory Update Theory: Applications of Counterfactual Reasoning to Causation.” Artificial Intelligence 108(1–2): 125–178.
Ortiz, Charles L., Jr. 1999b. “A Commonsense Language for Reasoning about Causation and Rational Action.” Artificial Intelligence 111(1–2): 73–169.