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Margaret J. Osler (osler)

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    Osler, Margaret J. 1985. Eternal Truths and the Laws of Nature: The Theological Foundations of Descartes’ Philosophy of Nature.” Journal of the History of Ideas 46(3): 349–362.
    Osler, Margaret J. 1993. Ancients, Moderns, and the History of Philosophy: Gassendi’s Epicurean Project.” in The Rise of Modern Philosophy. The Tension between the New and Traditional Philosophies from Machiavelli to Leibniz, edited by Tom Sorell, pp. 129–144. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Osler, Margaret J. 1994. Divine will and the mechanical philosophy. Gassendi and Descartes on contingency and necessity in the created world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Osler, Margaret J. 1995. Divine Will and Mathematical Truth: Gassendi and Descartes on the Status of the Eternal Truths.” in Descartes and His Contemporaries. Meditations, Objections and Replies, edited by Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene, pp. 145–158. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
    Osler, Margaret J. 1996. From Immanent Natures to Nature as Artifice: the Reinterpretation of Final Causes in Seventeenth-Century Natural Philosophy.” The Monist 79(3): 388–407.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2001a. Review of Schouls (2000).” Journal of the History of Philosophy 39(2): 294–295.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2001b. Robert Boyle on Knowledge of Nature in the Afterlife.” in Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture. Book III. The Millenarian Turn: Millenarian Contexts of Science, Politics and Everyday Anglo-American Life in the Seventh and Eighteenth Centuries, edited by James E. Force and Richard Henry Popkin, pp. 43–54. Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Idées / International Archives of the History of Ideas n. 175. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2002a. New Wine in Old Bottles: Gassendi and the Aristotelian Origin of Physics.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26: Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy, edited by Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 167–184. Boston, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2002b. Pierre Gassendi.” in A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy, edited by Steven M. Nadler, pp. 80–95. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470998847.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2002c. The History of Philosophy and the History of Philosophy: A Plea for Textual History in Context.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 40(4): 529–533.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2003a. Review of Gaukroger (2002).” Journal of the History of Philosophy 41(4): 558–559.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2003b. Early Modern Uses of Hellenistic Philosophy: Gassendi’s Epicurean Project.” in Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy, edited by Jon A. Miller and Brad Inwood, pp. 30–44. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2004. The New Newtonian Scholarship and the Fate of the Scientific Revolution.” in Newton and Newtonism. New Studies, edited by James E. Force and Sarah Hutton, pp. 1–14. Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Idées n. 188. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2008. Descartes’s Optics: Light, the Eye, and Visual Perception.” in A Companion to Descartes, edited by Janet Broughton and John P. Carriero, pp. 124–142. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9780470696439.
    Osler, Margaret J. 2010. Becoming an Outsider: Gassendi in the History of Philosophy.” in Insiders and Outsiders in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, edited by G. A. John Rogers, Tom Sorell, and Jill Kraye, pp. 23–42. Routledge Studies in Seventeenth Century Philosophy n. 12. London: Routledge.
    Osler, Margaret J. and Watson, Richard A. 2003. Reply to Martinich (2003).” Journal of the History of Philosophy 41(3): 407.

Further References

    Gaukroger, Stephen. 2002. Descartes’ System of Natural Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Martinich, Aloysius P. [Al]. 2003. Philosophical History of Philosophy.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 41(3): 405–407.
    Schouls, Peter A. 2000. Descartes and the Possibility of Science. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.