Sarah K. Paul (paul-sk)
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Morton, Jennifer M. and Paul, Sarah K. 2021. “The Norms of Practical Reasoning.” in The Routledge Handbook of Practical Reason, edited by Ruth Chang and Kurt L. Sylvan, pp. 541–552. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Paul, Sarah K. 2012. “How We Know What We Intend.” Philosophical Studies 161(2): 327–346.
Paul, Sarah K. 2013. “The Conclusion of Practical Reasoning: The Shadow between Idea and Act.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43(3): 287–302.
Paul, Sarah K. 2014a. “The Transparency of Mind.” Philosophy Compass 9(5): 295–303.
Paul, Sarah K. 2014b. “Diachronic Incontinence is a Problem in Moral Philosophy.” Inquiry 57(3): 337–355.
Paul, Sarah K. 2015a. “The Transparency of Intention.” Philosophical Studies 172(6): 1529–1548.
Paul, Sarah K. 2015b. “Doxastic Self-Control.” American Philosophical Quarterly 52(2): 145–158.
Paul, Sarah K. 2015c. “The Courage of Conviction.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45(5–6): 647–669.
Paul, Sarah K. 2018. “John Doe and Richard Roe.” in The Norton Introduction to Philosophy, edited by Gideon Rosen, Alex Byrne, Joshua Cohen, and Seana Valentine Shiffrin, 2nd ed., pp. 241–246. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.