Judea Pearl (pearl-j)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Balke, Alexander and Pearl, Judea. 1994a. “Probabilistic Evaluation of Counterfactual Queries.” in AAAI-94. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Barbara Hayes-Roth and Richard E. Korf. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Balke, Alexander and Pearl, Judea. 1994b. “Counterfactual Probabilities: Computational Methods, Bounds, and Applications.” in UAI-94. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, edited by Ramon Lopez de Mantaras and David L. Poole, pp. 46–54. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Balke, Alexander and Pearl, Judea. 1995. “Counterfactuals and Policy Analysis in Structural Models.” in UAI-95. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, edited by Philippe Besnard and Steven Hanks, pp. 11–18. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Darwiche, Adnan and Pearl, Judea. 1991. “On the Logic of Iterated Belief Revision.” r–202. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Darwiche, Adnan and Pearl, Judea. 1994a. “Symbolic Causal Networks.” in AAAI-94. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Barbara Hayes-Roth and Richard E. Korf, pp. 238–244. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Darwiche, Adnan and Pearl, Judea. 1994b. “Symbolic Causal Networks for Reasoning about Actions and Plans.” in AAAI-94. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Decision-Theoretic Planning, edited by Steven Hanks. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Darwiche, Adnan and Pearl, Judea. 1994c. “On the Logic of Iterated Belief Revision.” in TARK 1994. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference, edited by Ronald Fagin, pp. 5–23. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Republished as Darwiche and Pearl (1997).
Darwiche, Adnan and Pearl, Judea. 1997. “On the Logic of Iterated Belief Revision.” Artificial Intelligence 89(1–2): 1–31.
Dechter, Rina, Meiri, Itay and Pearl, Judea. 1989. “Temporal Constraint Networks.” in KR’89: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque, and Raymond Reiter, pp. 83–93. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Republished as Dechter, Meiri and Pearl (1991).
Dechter, Rina, Meiri, Itay and Pearl, Judea. 1991. “Temporal Constraint Networks.” Artificial Intelligence 49(1–3): 61–95.
Dechter, Rina and Pearl, Judea. 1987. “Network-Based Heuristics for Constraint-Satisfaction Problems.” Artificial Intelligence 34(1): 1–38.
Dechter, Rina and Pearl, Judea. 1989. “Tree Clustering for Constraint Networks.” Artificial Intelligence 38(3): 353–366.
Dechter, Rina and Pearl, Judea. 1991. “A Relational Framework for Causal Modeling.” in IJCAI-91. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by John Mylopoulos and Raymond Reiter, pp. 1164–1170. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 814. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Dechter, Rina and Pearl, Judea. 1992. “Structure Identification in Relational Data.” Artificial Intelligence 58(1–3): 237–270.
Galles, David and Pearl, Judea. 1997a. “An Axiomatic Characterization of Causal Counterfactuals.” r–250–l. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Galles, David and Pearl, Judea. 1997b. “Axioms of Causal Relevance.” Artificial Intelligence 97(1–2): 9–43.
Geffner, Héctor and Pearl, Judea. 1987. “Sound Defeasible Inference.” csd–8700xx r–94. Los Angeles, California: Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, UCLA.
Geffner, Héctor and Pearl, Judea. 1990. “A Framework for Reasoning with Defaults.” in The Frame Problem and Relevant Predication, edited by Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Ronald P. Loui, and Gregory N. Carlson, pp. 69–87. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Geffner, Héctor and Pearl, Judea. 1992. “Conditional Entailment: Bridging Two Approaches to Default Reasoning.” Artificial Intelligence 53(2–3): 209–244.
Goldszmidt, Moisés, Morris, Paul H. and Pearl, Judea. 1990. “A Maximum Entropy Approach to Nonmonotonic Reasoning.” in AAAI-90. Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Thomas G. Dietterich and William R. Swartout, pp. 646–652. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Goldszmidt, Moisés and Pearl, Judea. 1990. “On the Relation between Rational Closure and System-Z.” r–139. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Goldszmidt, Moisés and Pearl, Judea. 1991a. “On the Consistency of Defeasible Databases.” Artificial Intelligence 52(2): 121–149.
Goldszmidt, Moisés and Pearl, Judea. 1991b. “System Z\(^+\): A Formalism for Reasoning with Variable-Strength Defaults.” in AAAI-91. Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Thomas L. Dean and Kathleen R. McKeown, pp. 399–404. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Goldszmidt, Moisés and Pearl, Judea. 1991c. “Deciding Consistency of Databases Containing Defeasible and Strict Information.” r–122. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Goldszmidt, Moisés and Pearl, Judea. 1992a. “Rank-Based Systems: a Simple Approach to Belief Revision, Belief Update, and Reasoning about Evidence and Actions.” in KR’92: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Bernhard Nebel, Charles Rich, and William R. Swartout, pp. 661–672. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Goldszmidt, Moisés and Pearl, Judea. 1992b. “Reasoning about Qualitative Probabilities Can Be Tractable.” in UAI-92. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 112–120. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
Goldszmidt, Moisés and Pearl, Judea. 1996. “Qualitative Probabilities for Default Reasoning, Belief Revision, and Causal Modeling.” Artificial Intelligence 84(1–2): 57–112.
Halpern, Joseph Y. and Pearl, Judea. 2001. “Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach.” in UAI-01. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 194–202. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
Halpern, Joseph Y. and Pearl, Judea. 2005a. “Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach. Part I: Causes.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56(4): 843–887, doi:10.1093/bjps/axi147.
Halpern, Joseph Y. and Pearl, Judea. 2005b. “Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach. Part II: Explanations.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56(4): 889–911.
Hopkins, Mark and Pearl, Judea. 2003. “Clarifying the Use of Structural Models for Commonsense Causal Reasoning.” in AAAI-03. Working Papers of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium on Logical Formalization of Commonsense Reasoning, edited by Patrick Doherty, John McCarthy, and Mary-Anne Williams, pp. 83–89. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Karp, Richard M. and Pearl, Judea. 1983. “Searching for an Optimal Path in a Tree with Random Costs.” Artificial Intelligence 21(1–2): 99–116.
Meiri, Itay, Dechter, Rina and Pearl, Judea. 1996. “Uncovering Trees in Constraint Networks.” Artificial Intelligence 86(2): 245–267.
Pearl, Judea. 1980. “Asymptotic Properties of Minimax Trees and Game-Searching Procedures.” Artificial Intelligence 14(2): 113–138.
Pearl, Judea. 1983a. “Knowledge versus Search: A Quantitative Analysis Using A*.” Artificial Intelligence 20(1): 1–13.
Pearl, Judea. 1983b. “On the Nature of Pathology in Game Searching.” Artificial Intelligence 20(4): 427–453.
Pearl, Judea. 1986. “Fusion, Propagation, and Structuring in Belief Networks.” Artificial Intelligence 29(3): 241–288.
Pearl, Judea. 1987a. “Distributed Revision of Composite Beliefs.” Artificial Intelligence 33(2): 173–215.
Pearl, Judea. 1987b. “Evidential Reasoning Using Stochastic Simulation of Causal Models.” Artificial Intelligence 32(2): 245–257.
Pearl, Judea. 1987c. “A Probabilistic Treatment of the Yale Shooting Problem.” csf–8700xx. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Pearl, Judea. 1988a. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Pearl, Judea. 1988b. “Embracing Causality in Formal Reasoning.” in AAAI-88. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Tom M. Mitchell and Reid G. Smith, pp. 369–373. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Republished as Pearl (1988c).
Pearl, Judea. 1988c. “Embracing Causality in Default Reasoning.” Artificial Intelligence 35(2): 259–271.
Pearl, Judea. 1988d. “Evidential Reasoning Under Uncertainty.” in Exploring Artificial Intelligence, edited by Howard E. Shrobe, pp. 381–418. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Pearl, Judea. 1989. “Probabilistic Semantics for Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A Survey.” in KR’89: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque, and Raymond Reiter, pp. 505–516. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Pearl, Judea. 1990a. “System Z: a Natural Ordering of Defaults with Tractable Applications to Nonmonotonic Reasoning.” in TARK 1990. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the Third Conference, edited by Rohit Parikh, pp. 121–138. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Pearl, Judea. 1990b. “Reasoning under Uncertainty.” Annual Review of Computer Science 4: 37–72.
Pearl, Judea. 1990c. “Which Is More Believable: The Probably Provable or the Provably Probable?”
Pearl, Judea. 1990d. “Jeffrey’s Rule, Passage of Experience, and Neo-Bayesianism.” in The Frame Problem and Relevant Predication, edited by Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Ronald P. Loui, and Gregory N. Carlson, pp. 245–265. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Pearl, Judea. 1991. “Probabilistic Semantics for Nonmonotonic Reasoning.” in Philosophy and AI: Essays at the Interface, edited by Robert Cummins and John L. Pollock, pp. 157–188. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Pearl, Judea. 1993a. “From Bayesian Networks to Causal Networks.” r–195–lll. Los Angeles, California: Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, UCLA.
Pearl, Judea. 1993b. “Belief Networks Revisited.” Artificial Intelligence 59(1–2): 49–56.
Pearl, Judea. 1993c. “From Conditional Oughts to Qualitative Decision Theory.” in UAI-93. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, edited by David E. Heckerman and A. Mamdani, pp. 12–20. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Pearl, Judea. 1994. “From Adams’ Conditionals to Default Expressions, Causal Conditionals, and Counterfactuals.” in Probability and Conditionals: Belief Revision and Rational Decision, edited by Ellery Eells and Brian Skyrms, pp. 47–74. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pearl, Judea. 1995a. “Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research (with Discussion).” Biometrika 82(4): 669–709.
Pearl, Judea. 1995b. “Causation, Action, and Counterfactuals.” in Computational Learning and Probabilistic Learning, edited by Alexander Gammerman, pp. 235–255. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc. Reprinted in Shoham (1996, 51–73) and in Dalla Chiara et al. (1997, 355–375).
Pearl, Judea. 1995c. “Action as a Local Surgery.” in AAAI-95. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Extending Theories of Action: Formal Theories and Applications, edited by Craig Boutilier and Moisés Goldszmidt. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Pearl, Judea. 1996. “The Art and Science of Cause and Effect.” r–248. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Pearl, Judea. 1997a. “The New Challenge: From a Century of Statistics to the Age of Causation.” r–249. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Pearl, Judea. 1997b. “Graphs, Causality, and Structural Equation Models.” r–253. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Pearl, Judea. 1998a. “Probabilities of Causation: Three Counterfactual Interpretations and Their Identification.” r–261. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Pearl, Judea. 1998b. “Graphical Models for Probabilistic and Causal Reasoning.” in Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems I: Quantified Representation of Uncertainty and Imprecision, edited by Philippe Smets, pp. 367–389. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Pearl, Judea. 1998c. “Actions, Causes, and Counterfactuals: Lessons from Mechanism-Based Theories.” in AAAI-98. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Prospects for a Commonsense Theory of Causation, edited by Charles L. Ortiz Jr., pp. 55. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Abstract.
Pearl, Judea. 1999. “Reasoning with Cause and Effect.” r–265. Los Angeles, California: Computer Science Department, University of California.
Pearl, Judea. 2000. Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pearl, Judea. 2003. “Reply to Woodward (2003).” Economics and Philosophy 19(2): 341–344.
Pearl, Judea. 2010. “Nancy Cartwright on Hunting Causes [Review of Cartwright (2007)].” Economics and Philosophy 26(1): 69–77.
Pearl, Judea. 2011. “The Structural Theory of Causation.” in Causality in the Sciences, edited by Phyllis Illari, Federica Russo, and Jon Williamson, pp. 697–727. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pearl, Judea and Goldszmidt, Moisés. 1996. “Probabilistic Foundations of Reasoning with Conditionals.” in Principles of Knowledge Representation, edited by Gerhard Brewka, pp. 33–68. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Pearl, Judea and Mackenzie, Dana. 2018. The Book of Why: the New Science of Cause and Effect. New York: Basic Books, http://bayes.cs.ucla.edu/WHY/.
Pearl, Judea and Verma, Tom S. 1991. “A Theory of Inferred Causation.” in KR’91: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by James F. Allen, Richard E. Fikes, and Erik Sandewall, pp. 441–452. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Reprinted in Prawitz, Skyrms and Westerståhl (1994, 789–811).
Roizen, Igor and Pearl, Judea. 1983. “A Minimax Algorithm Better Than Alpha-Beta? Yes and No.” Artificial Intelligence 21(1–2): 199–220.
Shafer, Glenn and Pearl, Judea, eds. 1990. Readings in Uncertain Reasoning. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Subramanian, Devika, Greiner, Russell and Pearl, Judea. 1997. “The Relevance of Relevance (Editorial).” Artificial Intelligence 97(1–2): 1–5.
Tan, Sekwah and Pearl, Judea. 1994a. “Specification and Evaluation of Preferences Under Uncertainty.” in KR’94: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Jon Doyle, Erik Sandewall, and Pietro Torasso, pp. 530–539. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Tan, Sekwah and Pearl, Judea. 1994b. “Qualitative Decision Theory.” in AAAI-94. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Barbara Hayes-Roth and Richard E. Korf, pp. 928–933. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Tan, Sekwah and Pearl, Judea. 1995. “Specificity and Inheritance in Default Reasoning.” in IJCAI-95. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Christopher S. Mellish and C. Raymond Perrault, pp. 1480–1486. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Tian, Jin and Pearl, Judea. 2002a. “A General Identification Condition for Causal Effects.” in AAAI-02. Proceedings of the Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Rina Dechter, Richard S. Sutton, and Michael J. Kearns. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Tian, Jin and Pearl, Judea. 2002b. “A New Characterization of the Experimental Implications of Causal Bayesian Networks.” in AAAI-02. Proceedings of the Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Rina Dechter, Richard S. Sutton, and Michael J. Kearns, pp. 574–579. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Further References
Cartwright, Nancy. 2007. Hunting Causes and Using Them. Approaches in Philosophy and Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, Doets, Kees, Mundici, Daniele and Benthem, Johan van, eds. 1997. Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science X: Logic and Scientific Methods – Volume One of the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Florence, 1995. Synthese Library n. 259. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Prawitz, Dag, Skyrms, Brian and Westerståhl, Dag, eds. 1994. Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Uppsala, Swede, August 7-14, 1991. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 134. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Shoham, Yoav, ed. 1996. TARK 1996. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Woodward, James F. 2003. Making Things Happen. A Theory of Causal Explanation. Oxford Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0195155270.001.0001.