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Terence Penelhum (penelhum)

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    Alston, William P., Audi, Robert, Penelhum, Terence and Popkin, Richard Henry. 1992. Concluding Reactions.” in Faith, Reason, and Skepticism, edited by Marcus Hester, pp. 155–174. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1959. Personal Identity, Memory, and Survival.” The Journal of Philosophy 56: 882–903.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1960. Divine Necessity.” Mind 69: 175–186. Reprinted in Mitchell (1971, 179–190).
    Penelhum, Terence. 1969a. Descartes’ Ontological Argument.” in Fact and Existence. Proceedings of the University of Western Ontario Philosophy Colloguium, 1966, edited by Joseph Margolis, pp. 43–55. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1969b. Is a Religious Epistemology Possible? in Knowledge and Necessity, edited by Godfrey N. A. Vesey, pp. 263–280. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures n. 3. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. Book publication 1970.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1971. The Importance of Self-Identity.” The Journal of Philosophy 68: 667–678.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1975. Hume. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1976a. Self-Identity and Self-Regard.” in The Identities of Persons, edited by Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, pp. 253–280. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, doi:10.1525/9780520353060.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1976b. The Self in Hume’s Philosophy.” The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7(2): 9–23.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1983a. God and Skepticism. A Study in Skepticism and Fideism. Philosophical Studies Series n. 28. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1983b. Skepticism and Fideism.” in The Skeptical Tradition, edited by Myles F. Burnyeat, pp. 287–318. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1988. Butler and Hume.” Hume Studies 14(2): 251–276.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1992a. The Self of Book 1 and the Selves of Book 2.” Hume Studies 18(2): 281–291.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1992b. Parity Is Not Enough.” in Faith, Reason, and Skepticism, edited by Marcus Hester, pp. 98–120. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press.
    Penelhum, Terence. 1993. Hume’s Moral Psychology.” in The Cambridge Companion to Hume, edited by David Fate Norton, 1st ed., pp. 117–147. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Revised version in the second edition: Norton and Taylor (2009, 238–269).
    Penelhum, Terence. 2000. Review of Árdal (1998).” Hume Studies 26(1): 195–197.
    Penelhum, Terence. 2008. Hume’s Views on Religion: Intellectual and Cultural Influences.” in A Companion to Hume, edited by Elizabeth S. Radcliffe, pp. 323–337. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9780470696583.
    Penelhum, Terence. 2009. Hume’s Moral Psychology.” in The Cambridge Companion to Hume, edited by David Fate Norton and Jacqueline Taylor, 2nd ed., pp. 238–269. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. First edition: Norton (1993).
    Penelhum, Terence. 2010. Fideism.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Religion, edited by R. Charles Taliaferro, Paul Draper, and Philip L. Quinn, 2nd ed., pp. 441–448. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Penelhum, Terence. 2013. David Hume.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, edited by Chad Meister and Paul Copan, pp. 161–170. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge. First edition: Meister and Copan (2007).
    Penelhum, Terence and MacIntosh, John J. [Jack], eds. 1969. The First Critique: Reflections on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Wadworth Studies in Philosophical Criticism. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Further References

    Árdal, Páll S. 1998. Passions, Promises and Punishment. Reykjavik: University of Iceland Press. Edited by Mikael M. Karlsson and Jorundur Gudmundsson.
    Mitchell, Basil, ed. 1971. The Philosophy of Religion. Oxford Readings in Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Norton, David Fate, ed. 1993. The Cambridge Companion to Hume. 1st ed. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition: Norton and Taylor (2009).
    Norton, David Fate and Taylor, Jacqueline, eds. 2009. The Cambridge Companion to Hume. 2nd ed. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. First edition: Norton (1993).