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Patrice Philie (philie)

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    Philie, Patrice. 2002. A Vindication of Logical Necessity against Scepticism.” Unpublished manuscript.
    Philie, Patrice. 2005. Meaning-Scepticism and Analyticity.” Dialectica 59(3): 357–365.
    Philie, Patrice. 2007. Carroll’s Regress and the Epistemology of Logic.” Philosophical Studies 134(2): 183–210.
    Philie, Patrice. 2009. La conception disjonctive de l’expérience.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 48(3): 539–556.
    Philie, Patrice. 2015. Wittgenstein et Ortega sur les lois logiques de base [sur Mulligan (2012)].” Philosophiques 42(2): 391–399.
    Philie, Patrice. 2016. Intentionality and Content in McDowell.” Metaphilosophy 47(4–5): 656–678.

Further References

    Mulligan, Kevin. 2012. Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande. Problèmes & Controverses. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.