Anthony William Price (price-aw)
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Price, Anthony William. 1983. “Varieties of Objectivity and Values.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 83: 103–119.
Price, Anthony William. 1990a. Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198248996.001.0001.
Price, Anthony William. 1990b. “Commentary on Hankinson (1990).” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 6: 28–33.
Price, Anthony William. 1990c. “Plato and Freud.” in The Person and the Human Mind: Issues in Ancient and Modern Philosophy, edited by Christopher Gill, pp. 247–270. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Price, Anthony William. 1992. “Reason’s New Role in the Phaedrus.” in Understanding the Phaedrus. Second Symposium Platonicum, Perugia, 1-6 settembre 1989, edited by Livio Rossetti, pp. 243–245. International Plato Studies n. 1. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Price, Anthony William. 1995a. “Friendship (VIII and IX).” in Aristoteles: Nikomachische Ethik, edited by Otfried Höffe, pp. 229–252. Klassiker Auslegen n. 2. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Third edition: Höffe (2010).
Price, Anthony William. 1995b. “Commentary on Kato (1995).” in Reading the Statesman. Third Symposium Platonicum, Bristol, 1992, edited by Christopher J. Rowe. International Plato Studies n. 4. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Price, Anthony William. 1996. “Aristotelian Perceptions.” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 12: 285–309.
Price, Anthony William. 2000. “On Criticising Values.” in Philosophy: The Good, the True, and the Beautiful, edited by Anthony O’Hear, pp. 141–158. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 47. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Price, Anthony William. 2002. “Plato, Zeno, and the Object of Love.” in The Sleep of Reason. Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Martha Craven Nussbaum and Juha Sihvola, pp. 170–199. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
Price, Anthony William. 2003. “The Irreducibility of the Ethical in Plato and Aristotle.” in Plato and Aristotle’s Ethics, edited by Robert Heinaman, pp. 28–47. Ashgate Keeling Series in Ancient Philosophy. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
Price, Anthony William. 2004. “On the so-called Logic of Practical Inference.” in Modern Moral Philosophy, edited by Anthony O’Hear, pp. 119–140. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 54. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Price, Anthony William. 2005a. “Aristotelian Virtue and Practical Judgement.” in Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity. Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics, edited by Christopher Gill, pp. 257–278. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Price, Anthony William. 2005b. “Were Zeno and Chrysippus at Odds in Analyzing Emotion?” in Metaphysics, Soul, and Ethics in Ancient Thought. Themes from the work of Richard Sorabji, edited by Ricardo Salles, pp. 471–488. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Price, Anthony William. 2006a. “Acrasia and Self-control.” in The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, edited by Richard Kraut, pp. 234–254. Blackwell Guides to Great Works n. 2. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470776513.
Price, Anthony William. 2006b. “Was Aristotle a Particularist?” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 21: 191–233.
Price, Anthony William. 2008a. Contextuality in Practical Reason. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199534791.001.0001.
Price, Anthony William. 2008b. “Against Requirements of Rationality.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 108: 157–176.
Price, Anthony William. 2008c. “The Practical Syllogism in Aristotle. A New Interpretation.” in Der praktische Syllogismus, edited by Christof Rapp, pp. 151–162. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 11. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Price, Anthony William. 2009. “Aristotle’s Conception of Practical Thinking.” in New Essays on the Explanation of Action, edited by Constantine Sandis, pp. 384–395. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Price, Anthony William. 2010. “Emotions in Plato and Aristotle.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion, edited by Peter Goldie, pp. 121–142. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199235018.001.0001.
Price, Anthony William. 2011a. Virtue and Reason in Plato and Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199609611.001.0001.
Price, Anthony William. 2011b. “Reasoning about Justice in Plato’s Republic.” in Socratic, Platonic and Aristotelian Studies: Essays in Honor of Gerasimos Santas, edited by Georgios Anagnostopoulos, pp. 245–254. Philosophical Studies Series n. 117. Dordrecht: Springer.
Price, Anthony William. 2013. “A Quietist Particularism.” in Thinking about Reasons: Themes from the Philosophy of Jonathan Dancy, edited by David Bakhurst, Brad Hooker, and Margaret Olivia Little, pp. 218–239. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199604678.001.0001.
Price, Anthony William. 2014. “Richard Mervyn Hare.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Price, Anthony William. 2017a. “Varieties of Pleasure in Plato and Aristotle.” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume 52, edited by Victor Caston, pp. 177–208. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198805762.001.0001.
Price, Anthony William. 2017b. “Generating in Beauty for the Sake of Immortality: Personal Love and the Goals of the Lover.” in Plato’s Symposium. A Critical Guide, edited by Pierre Destrée and Zina Giannopoulou, pp. 176–193. Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316273166.
Price, Anthony William. 2018. “J.L. Austin’s Lecture Notes on the Nicomachean Ethics: Making Sense of Aristotle on akrasia.” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume 55, edited by Victor Caston, pp. 85–132. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198836339.001.0001.
Price, Anthony William. 2019. “Richard Mervyn Hare.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Further References
Hankinson, R. James. 1990. “Implications of Immortality.” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 6: 1–27.
Kato, Shinro. 1995. “The Role of Paradeigma in the Statesman.” in Reading the Statesman. Third Symposium Platonicum, Bristol, 1992, edited by Christopher J. Rowe. International Plato Studies n. 4. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.