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Malka Rappaport Hovav (rappaporthovav)

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    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1992a. The Formation of Adjectival Passives.” Linguistic Inquiry 17: 663–662.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1992b. The Lexical Semantics of Verbs of Motion: The Perspective From Unaccusativity.” in Thematic Structure: Its Role in Grammar, edited by Iggy M. Roca, pp. 247–269. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1992c. Non-Event er-Nominals: A Probe Into Argument Structure.” Linguistics 26: 1067–1084.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1992d. Wiping the Slate Clean: a Lexical Semantic Exploration.” in Lexical and Conceptual Semantics, edited by Beth C. Levin and Steven Pinker, pp. 123–151. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1994. A Preliminary Analysis of Causative Verbs in English.” Lingua 92: 35–77.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1995. Unaccusativity: At the Syntax-Lexical Semantics Interface. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1996. Lexical Semantics and Syntactic Structure.” in The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, edited by Shalom Lappin, pp. 487–507. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Lappin and Fox (2015).
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 2001. An Event Structure Account of English Resultatives.” Language 77: 766–797.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 2004. The Semantic Determinants of Argument Expression: A View from the English Resultative Construction.” in The Syntax of Time, edited by Jacqueline Guéron and Jacqueline Lecarme, pp. 477–494. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Levin, Beth C. and Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 2011. Lexical Conceptual Structure.” in Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. Volume 1, edited by Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger, and Paul H. Portner, pp. 420–440. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science n. 33.1. Berlin: de Gruyter Monton, doi:10.1515/9783110226614.
    Levin, Lori, Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Zaenan, Annie, eds. 1983. Papers in Lexical-Functional Grammar. 310 Lindley Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 46405: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 1983. On the Nature of Derived Nominals.” in Papers in Lexical-Functional Grammar, edited by Lori Levin, Malka Rappaport Hovav, and Annie Zaenan. 310 Lindley Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 46405: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka, Doron, Edit and Sichel, Ivy, eds. 2010a. Lexical Semantics, Syntax, and Event Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka, Doron, Edit and Sichel, Ivy. 2010b. Introduction.” in Lexical Semantics, Syntax, and Event Structure, edited by Malka Rappaport Hovav, Edit Doron, and Ivy Sichel, pp. 1–20. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka, Laughren, Mary and Levin, Beth C. 1993. Levels of Lexical Representation.” in Semantics and the Lexicon, edited by James D. Pustejovsky, pp. 37–54. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy n. 49. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth C. 1988. What to Do with Theta-Roles.” in Syntax and Semantics 21: Thematic Relations, edited by Wendy W. Wilkins, pp. 7–36. New York: Academic Press.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth C. 1990. -er-Nominals: Implications for the Theory of Argument Structure.” in Syntax and the Lexicon, edited by Eric Wehrli and Tim Stowell. New York: Academic Press.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth C. 1996. Building Verb meanings.” Unpublished manuscript, Bar Ilan University and Northwestern University.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth C. 2005. Change-of-State Verbs: Implications for Theories of Argument Projection.” in The Syntax of Aspect. Deriving Thematic and Aspectual Interpretation, edited by Nomi Erteschik-Shir and Tova R. Rapoport, pp. 274–286. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth C. 2010. Reflections on Manner/Result Complementarity.” in Lexical Semantics, Syntax, and Event Structure, edited by Malka Rappaport Hovav, Edit Doron, and Ivy Sichel, pp. 21–38. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth C. 2015. The Syntax-Semantics Interface: Semantic Roles and Syntactic Assignments.” in The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, edited by Shalom Lappin and Chris J. Fox, 2nd ed., pp. 593–624. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc. First edition: Lappin (1996), doi:10.1002/9781118882139.ch19.