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Henry S. Richardson (richardson-hes)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Richardson, Henry S. 1987. Commentary on Broadie (1987).” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 3: 253–261.
    Richardson, Henry S. 1990a. Specifying Norms as a Way to Resolve Concrete Ethical Problems.” Philosophy & Public Affairs 19.
    Richardson, Henry S. 1990b. Measurement, Pleasure, and Practical Science in Plato’s Protagoras.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 28(1): 7–32.
    Richardson, Henry S. 1991. Commensurability as a Prerequisite of Rational Choice: An Examination of Sidgwick’s Position.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 8(2): 181–197.
    Richardson, Henry S. 1992a. Desire and the Good in De Anima.” in Essays on Aristotle’s “De Anima” , edited by Martha Craven Nussbaum and Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, pp. 381–400. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/019823600X.001.0001.
    Richardson, Henry S. 1992b. Degrees of Finality and the Highest Good in Aristotle.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 30(3): 327–352.
    Richardson, Henry S., ed. 1999a. The Philosophy of John Rawls: A Collection of Essays. Vol. 1: Development and Main Outlines of Rawls’s Theory of Justice. New York: Garland Publishing Co.
    Richardson, Henry S., ed. 1999b. The Philosophy of John Rawls: A Collection of Essays. Vol. 2: The Two Principles and their Justification. New York: Garland Publishing Co.
    Richardson, Henry S., ed. 1999c. The Philosophy of John Rawls: A Collection of Essays. Vol. 3: Opponents and Implications of A Theory of Justice. New York: Garland Publishing Co.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2001. Autonomy’s Many Normative Presuppositions.” American Philosophical Quarterly 38(3): 287–303.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2003a. Long as You Love Me, It’s Alright? [on McMahon (2001)].” Philosophical Studies 116(2): 183–195.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2003b. Moral Reasoning.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Richardson, Henry S. 2004a. Incommensurability and Basic Goods: A Tension in the New Natural Law Theory.” in Human Values. New Essays on Ethics and Natural Law, edited by David S. Oderberg and Sophie Grace Chappell, pp. 70–101. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Published under the name “Timothy Chappell” .
    Richardson, Henry S. 2004b. Thinking about Conflicts of Desire.” in Practical Conflicts: New Philosophical Essays, edited by Peter Baumann and Monika Betzler, pp. 92–117. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2007. Moral Reasoning.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Richardson, Henry S. 2009. Introduction.” in Moral Universalism and Pluralism, edited by Henry S. Richardson and Melissa S. Williams, pp. 1–16. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 49. New York: New York University Press.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2012. Moral Entanglements: The Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195388930.001.0001.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2013a. Moral Reasoning.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Richardson, Henry S. 2013b. Revising Moral Norms: Pragmatism and the Problem of Perspicuous Description.” in Constructivism in Ethics, edited by Carla Bagnoli, pp. 221–242. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2017. Locating Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Obligations within the Division of Moral Labor.” in Current Controversies in Bioethics, edited by S. Matthew Liao and Collin O’Neil, pp. 15–28. Current Controversies in Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2018a. Articulating the Moral Community: Toward a Constructive Ethical Pragmatism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190247744.001.0001.
    Richardson, Henry S. 2018b. Moral Reasoning.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Richardson, Henry S. and Williams, Melissa S., eds. 2009. Moral Universalism and Pluralism. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 49. New York: New York University Press.

Further References

    Broadie, Sarah. 1987. The Problem of Practical Intellect in Aristotle’s Ethics.” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 3: 229–252. Published under the name “Sarah Waterlow Broadie” .
    McMahon, Christopher. 2001. Collective Rationality and Collective Reasoning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.