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Jacob Rogozinski (rogozinski-j)

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    Courtine, Jean-François, Deguy, Michel, Escoubas, Éliane, Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe, Lyotard, Jean-François, Marin, Louis, Nancy, Jean-Luc and Rogozinski, Jacob. 1988. Du Sublime. Paris: Éditions Belin.
    Courtine, Jean-François, Deguy, Michel, Escoubas, Éliane, Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe, Lyotard, Jean-François, Marin, Louis, Nancy, Jean-Luc and Rogozinski, Jacob. 1993. Of the Sublime: Presence in Question. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. Translated [from Courtine et al. (1988)] and with an afterword by Jeffrey S. Librett.
    Rogozinski, Jacob. 1991. La Chair de la Communauté.” in Husserlian Phenomenology in a New Key. Intersubjectivity, Ethos, the Societal Sphere, Human Encounter, Pathos. Book 2: Phenomenology in the World Fifty Years after the Death of Edmund Husserl, edited by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, pp. 215–232. Analecta Husserliana n. 35. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Rogozinski, Jacob. 1993. The Gift of the World.” in Of the Sublime: Presence in Question, pp. 133–156. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. Translated [from Courtine et al. (1988)] and with an afterword by Jeffrey S. Librett.
    Rogozinski, Jacob. 1998a. A la limite de l’Ungeheuer sublime et ‘monstrueux’ dans la Troisième Critique.” in Kants Ästhetik / Kant’s Aesthetics / L’esthétique de Kant, edited by Herman Parret, pp. 642–659. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Rogozinski, Jacob. 1998b. Lyotard.” in A Companion to Continental Philosophy, edited by Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder, pp. 574–580. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Rogozinski, Jacob. 2001. Chiasmus in the Polis: The Reversible Flesh of Community in Political Philosophy.” in Bodies of Resistance. New Phenomenologies of Politics, Agency, and Culture, edited by Laura Doyle. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.