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Hubert Rottleuthner (rottleuthner)

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    Mahlmann, Matthias and Rottleuthner, Hubert, eds. 2006. Ein neuer Kampf der Religionen? Staat, Recht und religiöse Toleranz. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Reden zur Philosophie, Politik und Geistesgeschichte n. 39. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
    Rottleuthner, Hubert. 1984. Legal Theory and Social Science.” in Theory of Legal Science. Proceedings of the Conference on Legal Theory and Philosophy of Science (Lund, Sweden, December 1983), edited by Aleksander Peczenik, Lars Lindahl, and Bert Van Roermund, pp. 521–530. Synthese Library n. 176. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Rottleuthner, Hubert. 1988. Biological Metaphors in Legal Thought.” in Autopoietic Law: A New Approach to Law and Society, edited by Gunther Teubner, pp. 97–127. Berlin: de Gruyter.