Magnus Schlette (schlette-m)
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Deuser, Hermann, Joas, Hans, Jung, Matthias and Schlette, Magnus, eds. 2016. The Varieties of Transcendence. Pragmatism and the Theory of Religion. New York: Fordham University Press, doi:10.5422/fordham/9780823267576.001.0001.
Schlette, Magnus. 2014. “Between Naturalism and Theism: Johnston and Putnam on the Reality of God.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6(1): 19–35.
Schlette, Magnus. 2017. “Das Vorwort von Victor Eremita: Wer hat das letzte Wort? (EO1, 11-25; SKS 2, 11-22).” in Søren Kierkegaard: Entweder – Oder, edited by Hermann Deuser and Markus Kleinert, pp. 39–56. Klassiker Auslegen n. 67. Berlin: de Gruyter.