Erik Schmidt (schmidt-er)
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Düntsch, Ivo, Schmidt, Erik and Winkler, Peter M. 2001. “A Necessary Relation Algebra for Mereotopology.” Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic 69: 381–401.
Lesk, Michael E. and Schmidt, Erik. 2001. “Lex – A Lexical Analyzer Generator.” Unpublished manuscript.
Ohlbach, Hans Jürgen and Schmidt, Erik. 1997. “Functional translation and second-order frame properties of modal logics.” Journal of Logic and Computation 7: 581–603.
Schmidt, Erik. 2008. “Thresholds, Vagueness and the Psychology of Small Improvements.” in Moral Psychology Today. Essays on Values, Rational Choice, and the Will, edited by David K. Chan, pp. 193–204. Philosophical Studies Series n. 110. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schmidt, Erik. 2016. “Knowing Fictions: Metalepsis and the Cognitive Value of Fiction.” Res Philosophica 93(2): 483–506.