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Hans-Christoph Schmidt Am Busch (schmidtambusch)

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    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph. 2010. What does it Mean to ‘Make Oneself Into An Object’? In Defense of a Key Notion of Hegel’s Theory of Action.” in Hegel on Action, edited by Arto Laitinen and Constantine Sandis, pp. 189–211. Philosophers in Depth. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph. 2011. “Anerkennung” als Prinzip der Kritischen Theorie. Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie n. 104. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph. 2013. ‘The Egg of Columbus’? How Fourier’s Social Theory Exerted a Significant (and Problematic) Influence on the Formation of Marx’s Anthropology and Social Critique.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21(6): 1154–1174.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph, ed. 2016. Die Philosophie des Marktes – The Philosophy of the Market. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie n. 7. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph. 2017a. Was wollen wir, wenn wir arbeiten? Honneth, Hegel und die Grundlagen der Kritik des Neoliberalismus. Lectiones Inaugurales n. 16. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph. 2017b. Why Ethical Life is Fragile: Rights, Markets and States in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.” in Hegel’s Elements of the Philosophy of Right. A Critical Guide, edited by David N. James, pp. 137–159. Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781139939560.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph, Siep, Ludwig, Thamer, Hans Ulrich and Waszek, Norbert. 2007. Hegelianismus und Saint-Simonismus. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph and Wehmeier, Kai Frederick, eds. 2005. Heinrich Scholz: Logiker – Philosoph – Theologe. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
    Schmidt Am Busch, Hans-Christoph and Wehmeier, Kai Frederick. 2007. On the Relations between Heinrich Scholz and Jan Łukasiewicz.” History and Philosophy of Logic 28(1): 67–81.