Rudolf Schüssler (schuessler-r)
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Schüssler, Rudolf. 1994. “Comment on O’Neill (1994).”
Analyse & Kritik 16(2): 217–219.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 1996.
“Licht und Schatten des Diskurses. Bemerkungen zur
diskursiven Lösung von Konflikten.”
Analyse & Kritik 18(2): 208–224.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 1998. “Wish You Were Me: A Reply to Broome (1998) and a Comment on
Harsanyi’s Extended Preference Theory.” in
Preferences, edited by Christoph Fehige and Ulla Wessels, pp. 288–297. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives
in Analytic Philosophy n. 19. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2002a. Moral
im Zweifel. Die scholastische Theorie des Entscheidens unter moralischer
Unsicherheit. Perspektiven der analytischen
Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy. Paderborn:
Mentis Verlag.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2002b.
“Die Struktur der scholastischen
Entscheidungslehre.” in Philosophie des
Mittelalters, edited by Uwe Meixner and Albert Newen, pp. 177–192. Logical Analysis and
History of Philosophy n. 5. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2005a. Moral
im Zweifel. Die Herausforderung des Probabilismus.
Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in
Analytic Philosophy. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2005b. “On the Anatomy of Probabilism.” in
Moral Philosophy on the Threshold of
Modernity, edited by Jill Kraye and Risto Saarinen, pp. 91–114. The New Synthese
Historical Library n. 57. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2006. “Moral Self-Ownership and Ius Possessionis in
Late Scholastics.” in Transformations in Medieval and Early-Modern Rights
Discourse, edited by Virpi Mäkinen and Petter Korkman, pp. 149–172. The New Synthese
Historical Library n. 59. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2012.
“Kant und die Kasuistik: Fragen zur
Tugendlehre.” Kant-Studien 103(1): 70–95.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2013a.
“Descartes’ Doxastic Voluntarism.” Archiv
für Geschichte der Philosophie 95(2): 148–177.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2013b. “The Economic Thought of Luis de Molina.” in
A Companion to Luis de Molina,
edited by Alexander Aichele and Matthias
Kaufmann, pp. 257–290. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition
n. 50. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2014. “Probability in Medieval and Renaissance
Philosophy.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2019. “Probability in Medieval and Renaissance
Philosophy.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2021. “Casuistry and Probabilism.” in A Companion to the Spanish Scholastics,
edited by Harald Ernst Braun, Erik De Bom, and Paolo Astorri, pp. 334–362. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition
n. 102. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Schüssler, Rudolf. 2023. “Probability in Medieval and Renaissance
Philosophy.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Schüssler, Rudolf and Sandten, Ulrich. 2000. “Exist, Anonymity and the Chances of Egoistical
Cooperation.” Analyse & Kritik 22(1):
Further References
Broome, John A. 1998.
“Extended Preferences.” in
Preferences, edited by Christoph Fehige and Ulla Wessels, pp. 271–287. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives
in Analytic Philosophy n. 19. Berlin: de Gruyter.
O’Neill, John. 1994. “Preferences, Virtues, and Institutions.”
Analyse & Kritik 16(2): 202–216.