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John Schwenkler (schwenkler)

Cited in the following articles

Self-Knowledge and Interpersonal Reasoning

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    Gehrman, Kristina and Schwenkler, John. 2021. Hubert Dreyfus on Practical and Embodied Intelligence.” in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise, edited by Ellen R. Fridland and Carlotta Pavese, pp. 123–132. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
    Guttenplan, Samuel D., Hornsby, Jennifer, Janaway, Christopher and Schwenkler, John, eds. 2021. Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts with a Method for Beginners. 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Lambert, Enoch and Schwenkler, John, eds. 2020. Becoming Someone New. Essays on Transformative Experience, Choice, and Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198823735.001.0001.
    Marcus, Eric and Schwenkler, John. 2019. Assertion and Transparent Self-Knowledge.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49(7): 873–889, doi:10.1080/00455091.2018.1519771.
    Marušić, Berislav and Schwenkler, John. 2018. Intending is Believing: A Defense of Strong Cognitivism.” Analytic Philosophy 59(3): 309–340.
    Schwenkler, John. 2011. Perception and Practical Knowledge.” Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 14(2): 137–152.
    Schwenkler, John. 2012a. Non-Observational Knowledge of Action.” Philosophy Compass 7(10): 731–740.
    Schwenkler, John. 2012b. Michael Dummett on the Morality of Contraception.” The Heythrop Journal 53: 763–767.
    Schwenkler, John. 2013a. The Objects of Bodily Awareness.” Philosophical Studies 162(2): 465–472.
    Schwenkler, John. 2013b. Do Things Look the Way They Feel? Analysis 73(1): 86–96.
    Schwenkler, John. 2014a. Vision, Self-Location, and the Phenomenology of the ‘Point of View’ .” Noûs 48(1): 137–155.
    Schwenkler, John. 2014b. Tradition as Transmission: A Partial Defence [on Zagzebski (2012)].” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6(4): 121–131.
    Schwenkler, John. 2015. Understanding ‘Practical Knowledge’ .” Philosophers' imprint 15(15).
    Schwenkler, John. 2019. Anscombe’s Intention: A Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190052027.001.0001.

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