Kieran Setiya (setiya)
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Setiya, Kieran. 2004a. “Transcendental Idealism in the
‘Aesthetic’ .” Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research 68(1): 63–88.
Setiya, Kieran. 2004b. “Hume on Practical Reason.” in
Philosophical Perspectives 18: Ethics, edited by
Dean W. Zimmerman and John Hawthorne, pp. 365–389. Oxford: Blackwell
Setiya, Kieran. 2005. “Is Efficiency a Vice?” American
Philosophical Quarterly 42(4): 333–339.
Setiya, Kieran. 2007a. Reasons without Rationalism. Princeton, New
Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Setiya, Kieran. 2007b. “Cognitivism about Instrumental Reason.”
Ethics 117(4): 649–673.
Setiya, Kieran. 2008. “Believing at Will.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 32: Truth and its
Deformities, edited by Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 36–52. Malden, Massachusetts:
Setiya, Kieran. 2009a. “Setiya (2007a):
Summary.” Analysis 69(3): 509–510.
Setiya, Kieran. 2009b. “Reply to Bratman (2009) and Smith
(2009).” Analysis 69(3): 531–540.
Setiya, Kieran. 2009c.
“Intention.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Setiya, Kieran. 2010a. “Sympathy for the Devil.” in Desire, Practical Reason, and the Good,
edited by Sergio Tenenbaum, pp. 82–110.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195382440.001.0001.
Setiya, Kieran. 2010b. “Does
Moral Theory Corrupt Youth?” Philosophical Topics
38(1): 205–222.
Setiya, Kieran. 2011a. “Reasons and Causes.” European Journal
of Philosophy 19(1): 129–157.
Setiya, Kieran. 2011b. “Knowledge of Intention.” in Essays on Anscombe’s Intention,
edited by Anton Ford, Jennifer Hornsby, and Frederick Stoutland, pp. 170–197. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, doi:10.4159/harvard.9780674060913.c7.
Setiya, Kieran. 2012a. Knowing Right from Wrong. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199657452.001.0001.
Setiya, Kieran. 2012b. “Transparency and Inference.”
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112(2): 263–268.
Setiya, Kieran. 2012c. “Knowing how.” Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society 112(3): 285–307.
Setiya, Kieran. 2013a. “Causality in Action [on Marcus (2012)].”
Analysis 73(3): 501–512.
Setiya, Kieran. 2013b.
“Epistemic Agency: Some Doubts.” in
Philosophical Issues 23: Epistemic Agency, edited
by Ernest Sosa, Enrique Villanueva, and Baron Reed, pp. 179–198. Malden, Massachusetts:
Setiya, Kieran. 2013c. “Murdoch on the Sovereignty of Good.”
Philosophers’ Imprint 13(9).
Setiya, Kieran. 2014a. “What is a Reason to Act?” Philosophical
Studies 167(2): 221–235.
Setiya, Kieran. 2014b.
“Intention.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Setiya, Kieran. 2014c. “The Ethics of Existence.” in
Philosophical Perspectives 28: Ethics, edited by
John Hawthorne, pp. 291–301. Hoboken, New
Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Setiya, Kieran. 2014d. “Intention, Plans, and Ethical Rationalism.”
in Rational and Social Agency. The Philosophy
of Michael Bratman, edited by Manuel R. Vargas and Gideon Yaffe, pp. 56–82. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199794515.001.0001.
Setiya, Kieran. 2014e. “The
Midlife Crisis.” Philosophers’ Imprint 14(31).
Setiya, Kieran. 2014f. “Love and the Value of a Life.” The
Philosophical Review 123(3): 251–280.
Setiya, Kieran. 2015.
“Selfish Reasons.” Ergo 2(18):
Setiya, Kieran. 2016.
“Retrospection.” Philosophers’
Imprint 16(15).
Setiya, Kieran. 2017a.
Midlife. A Philosophical Guide. Princeton, New
Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Setiya, Kieran. 2017b.
Practical Knowledge. Selected Essays. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190462925.001.0001.
Setiya, Kieran. 2017c.
“Wrong-Making Reasons.” in Reading Parfit on What Matters, edited by
Simon Kirchin, pp. 123–134. Reading Parfit on What Matters. London: Routledge.
Setiya, Kieran. 2018a. “Must
Consequentialists Kill?” The Journal of
Philosophy 115(2): 92–105.
Setiya, Kieran. 2018b.
“Intention.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Setiya, Kieran. 2022.
“Intention.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Setiya, Kieran and Paakkunainen, Hille, eds. 2012.
Internal Reasons. Contemporary Readings.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Further References
Bratman, Michael E. 2009.“Setiya
(2007a) on Intention, Rationality and Reasons.”
Analysis 69(3): 510–521.
Marcus, Eric. 2012. Rational
Causation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University
Smith, Michael A. 2009. “Reasons with Rationalism After All [on Setiya
(2007a)].” Analysis 69(3): 521–530.