David Sherry (sherry-d)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Katz, Mikhail G. and Sherry, David. 2013. “Leibniz’s Infinitesimals: Their Fictionality, Their Modern Implementations, and Their Foes from Berkeley to Russell and Beyond.” Erkenntnis 78(3): 571–625.
Sherry, David. 1986. “On Instantaneous Velocity.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 3(4): 391–406.
Sherry, David. 1997. “On Mathematical Error.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 28(3): 393–416.
Sherry, David. 1999a. “Note on the Scope of Truth-Functional Logic.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 28(3): 327–328.
Sherry, David. 1999b. “Construction and Reductio Proof.” Kant-Studien 90(1): 23–39.
Sherry, David. 1999c. “Thales’s Sure Path.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 31(4): 621–650.
Sherry, David. 2004. “Unassertion?” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 31(3–4): 575–577.
Sherry, David. 2006. “Mathematical Reasoning: Induction, Deduction and Beyond.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 37(3): 489–504.
Sherry, David. 2009. “Reason, Habit, and Applied Mathematics.” Hume Studies 35(1–2): 57–85.
Sherry, David. 2011. “Thermoscopes, Thermometers, and the Foundations of Measurement.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 42(4): 509–524.