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Wilfried Sieg (sieg)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Feferman, Solomon and Sieg, Wilfried, eds. 2010. Proofs, Categories and Computations. Essays in Honor of Grigori Mints. Tributes n. 13. London: King’s College Publications.
    Mundici, Daniele and Sieg, Wilfried. 2017. Turing, the Mathematician.” in Philosophical Explorations of the Legacy of Alan Turing. Turing 100, edited by Juliet Floyd and Alisa Bokulich, pp. 39–62. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science n. 324. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Rathjen, Michael and Sieg, Wilfried. 2018. Proof Theory.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Rathjen, Michael and Sieg, Wilfried. 2024. Proof Theory.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1984. Foundations for Analysis and Proof Theory.” Synthese 60: 159–200.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1985. Reductions of theories for analysis.” in Foundations of Logic and Linguistics. Problems and Their Solutions, edited by Georg J. W. Dorn and Paul Weingartner, pp. 199–231. Berlin: Springer.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1988. Hilbert’s Program Sixty Years Later.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 53(2): 338–348.
    Sieg, Wilfried, ed. 1990a. Acting and Reflecting. The Interdisciplinary Turn in Philosophy. Synthese Library n. 211. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1990b. Relative Consistency and Accessible Domains.” Synthese 84(2): 259–297.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1990c. Reflections on Hilbert’s Program.” in Acting and Reflecting. The Interdisciplinary Turn in Philosophy, edited by Wilfried Sieg, pp. 171–182. Synthese Library n. 211. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1994. Mechanical procedures and mathematical experience.” in Mathematics and Mind, edited by Alexander George, pp. 71–117. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1997a. Step by Recursive Step: Church’s Analysis of Effective Computability.” The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3(2): 154–180. Reprinted in Olszewski, Woleński and Janusz (2006, 456–492).
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1997b. Aspects of Mathematical Experience.” in Philosophy of Mathematics Today, edited by Evandro Agazzi and György Darvas, pp. 195–217. Episteme n. 22. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 1999. Hilbert’s Programs: 1917–1922.” The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5(1): 1–44.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2000. Toward Finitist Proof Theory.” in Proof Theory: History and Philosophical Significance, edited by Vincent F. Hendricks, Stig Andur Pedersen, and Klaus Frovin Jørgensen, pp. 95–116. Synthese Library n. 292. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2002a. Calculations by Man and Machine: Conceptual Analysis.” in Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics. Essays in honor of Solomon Feferman, edited by Wilfried Sieg, Richard Sommer, and Carolyn L. Talcott, pp. 390–409. Lecture Notes in Logic n. 15. Urbana, Illinois: Association for Symbolic Logic.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2002b. Calculations by Man & Machine: Mathematical Presentation.” in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science XI: In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Volume One of the Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Kraków, 1999, edited by Peter Gärdenfors, Jan Woleński, and Katarzyna Kijania-Placek, pp. 247–262. Synthese Library n. 315. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2006. Gödel on Computability.” Philosophia Mathematica 14(2): 189–207.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2009a. Beyond Hilbert’s Reach? in Logicism, Intuitionism, and Formalism. What Has Become of Them?, edited by Sten Lindström, Erik Palmgren, Krister Segerberg, and Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen, pp. 449–484. Synthese Library n. 341. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2009b. On Computability.” in Philosophy of Mathematics, edited by Andrew David Irvine, pp. 545–630. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 4. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2009c. Hilbert’s Proof Theory.” in Handbook of the History of Logic. Volume 5: Logic from Russell to Church, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, pp. 321–384. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2010. Only Two Letters: The Correspondence between Herbrand and Gödel.” in Kurt Gödel. Essays for his Centennial, edited by Solomon Feferman, Charles Parsons, and Stephen G. Simpson, pp. 61–73. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2012. In the Shadow of Incompleteness: Hilbert and Gentzen.” in Epistemology versus Ontology. Essays on the Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics in Honour of Per Martin-Löf, edited by Peter Dybjer, Sten Lindström, Erik Palmgren, and Göran Sundholm, pp. 87–128. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science n. 27. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2013a. Hilbert’s Programs and Beyond. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2013b. Gödel’s Philosophical Challenge (to Turing).” in Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond, edited by B. Jack Copeland, Carl J. Posy, and Oron Shagrir, pp. 183–202. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Sieg, Wilfried. 2016. On Tait on Kant and Finitism [on Tait (2016)].” The Journal of Philosophy 113(5): 274–285.
    Sieg, Wilfried and Byrnes, John. 1999a. Gödel, Turing, and K-Graph Machines.” in Logic and Foundation of Mathematics, edited by Andrea Cantini, Ettore Casari, and Pierluigi Minari, pp. 57–66. Synthese Library n. 280. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Sieg, Wilfried and Byrnes, John. 1999b. An Abstract Model for Parallel Computations: Gandy’s Thesis.” The Monist 82(1): 150–164.
    Sieg, Wilfried, Sommer, Richard and Talcott, Carolyn L., eds. 2002. Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics. Essays in honor of Solomon Feferman. Lecture Notes in Logic n. 15. Urbana, Illinois: Association for Symbolic Logic.

Further References

    Olszewski, Adam, Woleński, Jan and Janusz, Robert, eds. 2006. Church’s Thesis After 70 Years. Ontos Mathematical Logic n. 1. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    Tait, William Walker. 2016. Kant and Finitism.” The Journal of Philosophy 113(5): 261–273.