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Jonathan A. Simon (simon-jon)


    Simon, Jonathan A. 2004. How to Be a Bicategorialist.” in Formal Ontology in Information Systems. Proceedings of the Third International Conference (FOIS-2004), edited by Achille C. Varzi and Laure Vieu, pp. 60–71. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2005. Is Time Travel a Problem for the Three-Dimensionalist? The Monist 88(3): 353–361.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2012. Chemistry and Pharmacy: A Philosophical Inquiry into an Evolving Relationship.” in Philosophy of Chemistry, edited by Andrea I. Woody, Robin Findlay Hendry, and Paul Needham, pp. 519–530. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 6. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2013. The Protestant Theory of Determinable Universals.” in Johanssonian Investigations. Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday, edited by Christer Svennerlind, Jan Almäng, and Rögnvaldur D. Ingthorsson, pp. 503–515. EIDE – Foundations of Ontology n. 5. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2014a. Indeterminate Comprehension.” Thought 3(1): 39–48.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2014b. What is Acquaintance with Consciousness? [on Goff (2014)].” in Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience, edited by Richard O. Brown, pp. 103–118. Studies in Brain and Mind n. 6. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6001-1.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2017. The Hard Problem of the Many.” in Philosophical Perspectives 31: Philosophy of Mind, edited by John Hawthorne and Jason Turner, pp. 449–468. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1111/phpe.12100.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2018. Fragmenting the Wave Function.” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume XI, edited by Karen Bennett and Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 123–147. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198828198.001.0001.
    Simon, Jonathan A. 2023. Review of Landgrebe and Smith (2021).” Dialectica 77(3), doi:10.48106/dial.v77.i3.08.
    Simon, Jonathan A. and Marshall, Colin R. 2017. Mendelssohn, Kant, and the Mereotopology of Immortality.” Ergo 4(29): 821–844.
    Smith, Barry and Simon, Jonathan A. 2007. Truthmaker Explanations.” in Metaphysics and Truthmakers, edited by Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, pp. 79–98. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 18. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110326918.79.
    Smith, Barry and Simon, Jonathan A. 2011. Explications vérificationnistes.” Philosophiques 38(1): 177–194.

Further References

    Goff, Philip. 2014. Orthodox Property Dualism + The Linguistic Theory of Vagueness = Panpsychism.” in Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience, edited by Richard O. Brown, pp. 75–92. Studies in Brain and Mind n. 6. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6001-1.
    Landgrebe, Jobst and Smith, Barry. 2021. An Argument for the Impossibility of Machine Intelligence.” ArXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2111.07765v1.