Satinder P. Singh (singh-sp)
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Barto, Andrew G., Bradtke, Steven J. and Singh, Satinder P. 1995. “Learning to Act Using Real-Time Dynamic Programming.” Artificial Intelligence 72(1–2): 81–138.
Litman, Diane J., Singh, Satinder P., Kearns, Michael J. and Walker, Marilyn A. 2000. “NJFun: A Reinforcement Spoken Dialogue System.” in ACL-00. ANLP/NAACL Workshop on Conversational Systems, edited by Candice L. Sidner, James F. Allen, Harald Aust, Philip R. Cohen, Justine Cassell, Laila Dybkjær, X. D. Huang, et al., pp. 17–20. Morristown, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Singh, Satinder P., Tawakol, Omar and Genesereth, Michael R. 1995. “A Name-Space Context Graph for Multi-Context, Multi-Agent Systems.” in, pp. 79–84.