Michael Czapkay Sudduth (sudduth)
Contributions à Philosophie.ch
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Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 1995. “Alstonian Foundationalism and Higher-Level Theistic Evidentialism.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 37(1): 25–44.
Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 1999a. “Proper Basicality and the Evidential Significance of Internalist Defeat: A Proposal for Revising Classical Evidentialism.” in The Rationality of Theism, edited by Godehard Brüntrup and Ronald K. Tacelli, pp. 215–236. Studies in Philosophy and Religion n. 19. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 1999b. “The Internalist Character and Evidentialist Implications of Plantingian Defeaters.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 45(3): 167–187.
Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 2002. “Plantinga’s Revision of the Reformed Tradition: Rethinking our Natural Knowledge of God [on Plantinga (2000)].” Philosophical Books 43(2): 81–91.
Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 2009a. “The Contribution of Religious Experience to Dogmatic Theology.” in Analytic Theology. New Essays in the Philosophy of Theology, edited by Oliver D. Crisp and Michael C. Rea, pp. 214–232. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 2009b. “John Calvin.” in The History of Western Philosophy of Religion. Volume 2: Early Modern Philosophy of Religion, edited by Graham Oppy and Nick N. Trakakis, pp. 47–64. London: Routledge.
Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 2009c. “Revisiting the ‘Reformed Objection’ to Natural Theology.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1(2): 37–62.
Sudduth, Michael Czapkay. 2015. A Philosophical Critique of Empirical Arguments for Postmortem Survival. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Further References
Plantinga, Alvin. 2000. Warranted Christian Belief. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0195131932.001.0001.