Arthur Sullivan (sullivan-a)
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Sullivan, Arthur. 1998. “Singular Propositions and Singular Thoughts.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39: 114–127.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2003a. “Critical Notice of Soames (2002).” Philosophical Books 44(4): 317–334.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2003b. “ ‘Paging Dr. Lauben! Dr. Gustav Lauben!’: Some Questions about Individualism and Competence.” Philosophical Studies 115(3): 201–224.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2005. “Rigid Designation, Direct Reference, and Modal Metaphysics.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 86: 577–599.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2007b. “W.V. Quine on the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction.” Analysis and Metaphysics 6.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2008. “Truth in Virtue of Meaning.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 38(3): 373–398.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2009. “Against Structured Referring Expressions.” Philosophical Studies 146(1): 49–74.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2010. “Millian Externalism.” in New Essays on Singular Thought, edited by Robin Jeshion, pp. 246–270. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199567881.001.0001.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2013a. Reference and Structure in the Philosophy of Language: A Defense of the Russellian Orthodoxy. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy n. 43. London: Routledge.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2013b. “Multiple Propositions, Contextual Variability, and the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface.” Synthese 190(14): 2773–2800.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2014. “On the Semantic Relevance of Romanovs.” in Semantics and Beyond. Philosophical and Linguistic Inquiries, edited by Piotr Stalmaszczyk, pp. 255–270. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 57. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Sullivan, Arthur. 2015. “What do Deviant Logicians Show About the Epistemology of Logic?” Acta Analytica 30(2): 179–191.
Further References
Soames, Scott. 2002. Beyond Rigidity: The Unfinished Semantic Agenda of Naming and Necessity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0195145283.001.0001.