Christian Tewes (tewes-c)
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Durt, Christoph, Fuchs, Thomas and Tewes, Christian, eds. 2017. Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture: Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262035552.001.0001.
Tewes, Christian. 2017. Libertarismus, Willensfreiheit und Verursachung. Philosophische Abhandlungen n. 112. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann.
Tewes, Christian and Stanghellini, Giovanni, eds. 2020. Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781108776660.