Bruce M. Thomas (thomas-bm)
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Stolzenburg, Frieder and Thomas, Bruce M. 1998. “Analyzing Rule Sets for the Calculation of Banking Fees by a Theorem Prover with Constraints.” in Automated Deduction: A Basis for Applications. Volume III, Applications, edited by Wolfgang Bibel and Peter H. Schmidt, pp. 243–264. Applied Logic Series n. 10. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Thomas, Bruce M. 1994. “Assertion and Conception in Descartes.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 11(2): 163–176.
Thomas, Bruce M. 1995. “Abstraction and the real distinction between mind and body.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 25(1): 83–101.
Thomas, Bruce M. 1996. “Cartesian Epistemics and Descartes’ ‘Regulae’ .” History of Philosophy Quarterly 13(4): 433–449.