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Ádám Tamás Tuboly (tuboly-at)

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    Cat, Jordi and Tuboly, Ádám Tamás, eds. 2019. Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives. Cham: Springer Nature.
    Damböck, Christian and Tuboly, Ádám Tamás, eds. 2022. The Socio-Ethical Dimension of Knowledge: The Mission of Logical Empiricism. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 26. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-80363-6.
    Neuber, Matthias and Tuboly, Ádám Tamás, eds. 2022. Ernest Nagel: Philosophy of Science and the Fight for Clarity. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-81010-8.
    Tuboly, Ádám Tamás. 2014. Review of Kripke (2013).” in Theory and Practice of Logical Reconstruction. Anselm as a Model Case, edited by Friedrich Reinmuth, Geo Siegwart, and Christian Tapp, pp. 221–226. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 17. Münster: Mentis Verlag.
    Tuboly, Ádám Tamás. 2016. Review of Damböck (2016).” in Ancient Epistemology, edited by Katerina Ierodiakonou and Pieter Sjoerd Hasper, pp. 244–246. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 19. Münster: Mentis Verlag.
    Tuboly, Ádám Tamás. 2017. Carnap’s Weltanschauung and the Jugendbewegung: The Story of an Omitted Chapter.” in Integrated History and Philosophy of Science. Problems, Perspectives, and Case Studies, edited by Friedrich Stadler, pp. 129–144. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 20. Berlin: Springer.
    Tuboly, Ádám Tamás. 2020a. Review of McElvenny (2018).” in Analysis and Explication in 20th-Century Philosophy, edited by Frauke Albersmeier, David Hommen, and Christoph Kann, pp. 257–259. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 22. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
    Tuboly, Ádám Tamás. 2020b. Review of Gruber (2016).” in The Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia, edited by Radek Schuster, pp. 195–198. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 23. Berlin: Springer.

Further References

    Damböck, Christian, ed. 2016. Influences on the Aufbau. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 18. Berlin: Springer.
    Gruber, Monika. 2016. Alfred Tarski and the “Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages.” A Running Commentary with Consideration of the Polish Original and the German Translation. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science n. 39. Cham: Springer.
    Kripke, Saul A. 2013. Reference and Existence. The John Locke Lectures. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199928385.001.0001.
    McElvenny, James. 2018. Language and Meaning in the Age of Modernism. C.K. Ogden and his Contemporaries. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.