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Robert G. Turnbull (turnbull-rg)

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    Machamer, Peter K. and Turnbull, Robert G., eds. 1976. Motion and Time, Space and Matter. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press.
    Machamer, Peter K. and Turnbull, Robert G., eds. 1978. Studies in Perception: Interrelations in the History of Philosophy and Science. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1954. A Note on Mr. Hare’s ‘Logic of Imperatives’ .” Philosophical Studies 5(3): 33–35.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1959. Empirical and A Priori Elements in Broad’s Theory of Knowledge.” in The Philosophy of C.D. Broad, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 197–231. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 10. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1962. Ockham’s Nominalistic Logic: Some Twentieth Century Reflections.” The New Scholasticism 36(3): 313–329. Reprinted in Allaire (1963, 79–91).
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1975. Things, Natures, and Properties.” in Action, Knowledge, and Reality: Critical Studies in Honor of Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Hector-Neri Castañeda. Indianapolis, Indiana: Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1976. Physics I: Sense Universals, Principles, Multiplicity, and Motion.” in Motion and Time, Space and Matter, edited by Peter K. Machamer and Robert G. Turnbull, pp. 28–55. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1982. Richard Rorty and the American Philosophical Scene [comment on Rorty (1981)].” Analyse & Kritik 4(2): 223–238.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1983. Episteme and Doxa: Some Reflections on Eleatic and Heraclitean Themes in Plato.” in Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Volume II, edited by John Peter Anton and Anthony Preus, pp. 279–302. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1985. Zeno’s Stricture and Predication in Plato, Aristotle, and Plotinus.” in How Things Are. Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science, edited by James [Jim] Bogen and James E. McGuire, pp. 21–58. Philosophical Studies Series n. 29. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1988a. Becoming and Intelligibility.” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume supplementary volume, edited by Julia Annas and Robert H. Grimm, pp. 1–14. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1988b. Response to Professor Fine’s Critique of Turnbull (1988a) [Fine (1988)].” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume supplementary volume, edited by Julia Annas and Robert H. Grimm, pp. 29–36. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1988c. Aristotle and Philosophy Now: Some Critical Reflections.” in Doing Philosophy Historically, edited by Peter H. Hare, pp. 117–126. Frontiers of Philosophy. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1989. The Third Man Argument and the Text of Parmenides.” in Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Volume III, Plato, edited by John Peter Anton and Anthony Preus, pp. 203–226. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
    Turnbull, Robert G. 1991. Platonic and Aristotelian Science.” in Science and Philosophy in Classical Greece, edited by Alan C. Bowen, pp. 43–58. Sources and Studies in the History and Philosophy of Classical Science n. 2. New York: Garland Publishing Co. Essays derived rom a conference held by the Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science.

Further References

    Allaire, Edwin B., ed. 1963. Essays in Ontology. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
    Fine, Gail. 1988. Plato on Perception: A Reply to Turnbull (1988a).” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume supplementary volume, edited by Julia Annas and Robert H. Grimm, pp. 15–28. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Rorty, Richard M. 1981. Zur Lage der Gegenwartsphilosophie in den USA.” Analyse & Kritik 3(1): 3–22.