Syun Tutiya (tutiya)
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Barwise, Jon K., Gawron, Jean Mark, Plotkin, Gordon D. and Tutiya, Syun, eds. 1991. Situation Theory and Its Applications, Volume 2. vol. 2. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Devlin, Keith J. and Tutiya, Syun. 1991. “Situation Semantics.” in Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology, edited by Hans Burkhardt and Barry Smith. Analytica: Investigations in Logic, Ontology, and the Philosophy of Language n. 2. München: Philosophia Verlag.
Ichikawa, A., Araki, Masahiro, Horiuchi, Y., Ishizaki, Masato, Itabashi, S., Itoh, Toshihiko, Kashioka, Hideki, et al. 1999. “Evaluation of Annotation Schemes for Japanese Discourse.” in Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging: Proceedings of the Workshop, edited by Marilyn A. Walker, pp. 26–34. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Israel, David J., Perry, John R. and Tutiya, Syun. 1991. “Actions and Movements.” in IJCAI-91. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by John Mylopoulos and Raymond Reiter. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 814. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Israel, David J., Perry, John R. and Tutiya, Syun. 1993. “Executions, Motivations, and Accomplishments.” The Philosophical Review 102(4): 515–540.