Thomas E. Uebel (uebel)
My contributions to
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Andersen, Hanne, Dieks, Dennis, González, Wenceslao J., Uebel, Thomas E. and Wheeler, Gregory R., eds. 2013. New Challenges to the Philosophy of Science.
The Philosophy of Science in a European
Perspective n. 4. Berlin: Springer.
Cartwright, Nancy, Cat, Jordi, Fleck, Lola and Uebel, Thomas E. 1996. “Otto Neurath – Philosophy Between Science and
Politics(Michael Heidelberger).” in Encyclopedia and Utopia. The Life and Work of Otto
Neurath (1882-1945), edited by Elisabeth Nemeth and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 357–359. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cartwright, Nancy and Uebel, Thomas E. 1996. “Philosophy in the Earthly Plane.” in
Encyclopedia and Utopia. The Life and Work of
Otto Neurath (1882-1945), edited by Elisabeth Nemeth and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 39–52. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Dieks, Dennis, González, Wenceslao J., Hartmann, Stephan, Uebel, Thomas E. and Weber, Marcel, eds. 2011. Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation.
The Philosophy of Science in a European
Perspective n. 2. Berlin: Springer.
Galavotti, Maria Carla, Dieks, Dennis, González, Wenceslao J., Hartmann, Stephan, Uebel, Thomas E. and Weber, Marcel, eds. 2014. New Directions in the Philosophy of Science.
The Philosophy of Science in a European
Perspective n. 5. Cham: Springer.
Koterski, Artur and Uebel, Thomas E. 2017. “Poznański and Wundheiler’s
‘The Concept of Truth in Physics [on Wundheiler and Poznański
(2017)]’: The Lvov-Warsaw School Contribution to
Encyclopedism.” in The
Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European
Culture, edited by Anna Brożek, Friedrich Stadler, and Jan Woleński, pp. 291–307. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 21. Berlin: Springer.
Nemeth, Elisabeth, Schmitz, Stefan W. and Uebel, Thomas E., eds. 2007a. Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context.
Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 13. Dordrecht:
Nemeth, Elisabeth, Schmitz, Stefan W. and Uebel, Thomas E. 2007b.
“Introduction.” in Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context, edited
by Elisabeth Nemeth, Stefan W. Schmitz, and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 3–12. Vienna Circle Institute
Yearbook n. 13. Dordrecht: Springer.
O’Neill, John and Uebel, Thomas E. 2004. “Horkheimer and Neurath: Restarting a Disrupted
Debate.” European Journal of Philosophy 12(1):
O’Neill, John and Uebel, Thomas E. 2008. “Logical Empiricism as Critical Theory? The Debate
Continues.” Analyse & Kritik 30(2): 379–398.
Richardson, Alan W. and Uebel, Thomas E., eds. 2007a. The Cambridge Companion to Logical
Empiricism. Cambridge Companions to
Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Richardson, Alan W. and Uebel, Thomas E. 2007b.
“Introduction.” in The Cambridge Companion to Logical
Empiricism, edited by Alan W. Richardson and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 1–10. Cambridge
Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Uebel, Thomas E., ed. 1991a. Rediscovering the Forgotten Vienna Circle. Austrian
Studies on Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science
n. 133. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1991b.
“Arbeit am ‘Unterbau’ der wissenschaftlichen
Weltauffassung.” Grazer Philosophische Studien
41: 235–244.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1991c. “Otto Neurath and the Neurath Reception: Puzzle and
Promise.” in Rediscovering the
Forgotten Vienna Circle. Austrian Studies on Otto Neurath and the Vienna
Circle, edited by Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 3–24. Boston
Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 133. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1992. “Neurath vs. Carnap: Naturalism vs. Rational
Reconstructionism before Quine.” History of Philosophy
Quarterly 9(4): 445–470.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1993. “Wilhelm Neurath’s Opposition to
‘Materialist’ Darwinism.” in Scientific Philosophy: Origins and
Developments, edited by Friedrich Stadler, pp. 209–228. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1994a. “Review of Nemeth (1994).” in
Norms, Value and Society, edited by
Herlinde Pauer-Studer, pp. 312–316.
Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 2. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1994b. “The Positivism Dispute Revisited. Critical Notice of
(1994).” in Norms, Value
and Society, edited by Herlinde Pauer-Studer, pp. 320–329. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 2. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1995a. “Physicalism in Wittgenstein and the Vienna
Circle.” in Physics, Philosophy
and the Scientific Community. Essays in the philosophy and history of
the natural sciences and mathematics in honor of Robert
S. Cohen, edited by Kostas Gavroglu, John J. Stachel, and Marx W. Wartofsky, pp. 327–355. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science
n. 163. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1995b.
“Thomas Oberdan: Protocols, Truth and Convention,
Amsterdam 1993.” in The
Foundational Debate. Complexity and Constructivity in Mathematics and
Physics, edited by Werner Depauli-Schimanovich, Eckehart Köhler, and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 310–312. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 3. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1996a. “Conventions in the Aufbau.”
British Journal for the History of Philosophy 4(2): 381–397.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1996b. “The Enlightenment Ambition of Epistemic Utopianism: Notes
on the History of Otto Neurath’s Theory of Science.” in
Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science,
Volume XVI: Origins of Logical Empiricism,
edited by Ronald N. Giere and Alan W.
Richardson, pp. 91–113. Minneapolis,
Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1996c. “Normativity and Convention – On the Constructivist
Element of Neurath’s Naturalism.” in Encyclopedia and Utopia. The Life and Work of Otto
Neurath (1882-1945), edited by Elisabeth Nemeth and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 97–112. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1997. “From the Duhem Thesis to the Neurath
Principle.” in Austrian
Philosophy, Past and Present. Essays in Honor of Rudolf
Haller, edited by Keith Lehrer and Johann Christian Marek, pp. 87–110. Boston
Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 190. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1998. “Enlightenment and the Vienna Circle’s Scientific
World-Conception.” in Philosophers on Education. Historical
Perspectives, edited by Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, pp. 416–436. London: Routledge.
Uebel, Thomas E. 1999. “Otto Neurath, the Vienna Circle and the Austrian
Tradition.” in German Philosophy
since Kant, edited by Anthony O’Hear, pp. 249–270. Royal
Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 44. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2003a. “Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Social Science in the
Analytic Tradition.” in The
Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences,
edited by Stephen P. Turner and Paul A.
Roth, pp. 64–88. Blackwell
Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470756485.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2003b. “Philipp Frank’s History of the Vienna Circle: A
Programmatic Retrospective.” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume
XVII: Quantum Measurement: Beyond Paradox,
edited by Richard A. Healey and Geoffrey
Hellman, pp. 149–169. Minneapolis,
Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2005. “Learning Logical Tolerance: Hans Hahn on the Foundations
of Mathematics.” History and Philosophy of Logic
26(3): 175–209.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2006a. “Rudolf Carnap: The Logical Structure of the
World.” in Central Works of
Philosophy volume 4: The Twentieth Century: Moore to Popper,
edited by John Shand, pp. 111–133.
Stocksfield: Acumen Publishing.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2006b.
“Vienna Circle.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Uebel, Thomas E. 2007a. “Philosophy of Social Science in Early Logical Empiricism:
The Case of Radical Physicalism.” in The Cambridge Companion to Logical
Empiricism, edited by Alan W. Richardson and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 250–277. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2007b. “Interpreting Neurath’s Protocols. Reply to
Nottelmann.” Journal for General Philosophy of Science
/ Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie
38(2): 383–391.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2007c. “Otto Neurath as an Austrian Economist: Behind the Scenes
of the Early Socialist Calculation Debate.” in Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context, edited
by Elisabeth Nemeth, Stefan W. Schmitz, and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 37–60. Vienna Circle Institute
Yearbook n. 13. Dordrecht: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2008a.
“Logical Empiricism.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of
Science, edited by Stathis Psillos and Martin Curd, pp. 78–90. Routledge Philosophy
Companions. London: Routledge.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2008b. “Carnap and the Vienna Circle: Rational Reconstructionism
Refined.” in The Cambridge
Companion to Carnap, edited by Michael Friedman and Richard Creath, pp. 153–175. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2008c. “Three 13th-Century Views of Quantified Modal
Logic.” in Advances in Modal
Logic, volume VII, edited by Carlos Areces and Robert L. Goldblatt, pp. 389–406. London: College
Uebel, Thomas E. 2009a. “Zur
Theorie wissenschaftlicher Zeugenaussagen: Neuraths Protokollsatztheorie
in neuer Betrachtung.” Conceptus: Zeitschrift
für Philosophie 38(93): 43–81.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2009b. “Neurath’s Protocol Statements Revisited: Sketch of a
Theory of Scientific Testimony.” Studies in History
and Philosophy of Science 40(1): 4–13.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2010a. “Some Remarks on Current History of Analytical Philosophy
of Science.” in The Present
Situation in the Philosophy of Science, edited by Friedrich
Stadler, pp. 13–27. The Philosophy of Science in a European
Perspective n. 1. Berlin: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2010b. “Schlick’s General Theory of Knowledge
Revisited.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 80:
Uebel, Thomas E. 2010c. “What’s Right about Carnap, Neurath and the Left Vienna
Circle Thesis: A Refutation.” Studies in History and
Philosophy of Science 41(2): 214–221.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2010d. “Opposition to Verstehen in Orthodox Logical
Empiricism.” in Historical
Perspectives on Erklären and
Verstehen, edited by Uljana Feest, pp. 291–310. Archimedes: New Studies in the History and Philosophy of
Science and Technology n. 21. Dordrecht: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2010e. “The Nature and Status of Metatheory. The Debate between
Otto Neurath and Åke Petzäll.” in The Vienna Circle in the Nordic Countries. Networks and
Transformations of Logical Empiricism, edited by Juha Manninen and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 181–202. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 14. Dordrecht: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2011a.
“Vienna Circle.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Uebel, Thomas E. 2011b. “ ‘A Kind of Metaphysician’: Arne Naess from
Logical Empiricism to Ecophilosophy.” Inquiry
54(1): 78–109.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2011c.
“Rudolf Carnap.” in The Routledge Companion to Epistemology,
edited by Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard, pp. 774–785. Routledge
Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2012a. “Actions, Reasons and Narratives.”
Inquiry 55(1): 82–101.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2012b. “De-Synthesizing the Relative A Priori.”
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 43(1): 7–17.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2012c. “Carnap, Philosophy and ‘Politics in its Broadest
Sense’ .” in Rudolf Carnap
and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism, edited by Richard
Creath, pp. 133–148. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 16. Dordrecht: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2013. “Pragmatics in Carnap and Morris and the Bipartite
Metatheory Conception.” Erkenntnis 78(3):
Uebel, Thomas E. 2014a. “European Pragmatism? Further Thoughts on the German and
Austrian Reception of American Pragmatism.” in New Directions in the Philosophy of Science,
edited by Maria Carla Galavotti, Dennis
Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas E. Uebel, and Marcel Weber, pp. 627–644. The
Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective n. 5. Cham:
Uebel, Thomas E. 2014b. “Carnap’s Aufbau and Physicalism: What Does the
‘Mutual Reducibility’ of Psychological and Physical Objects
Amount to?” in European
Philosophy of Science – Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese
Heritage, edited by Maria Carla Galavotti, Elisabeth Nemeth, and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 45–56. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 17. Dordrecht: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2015a. “Making Sense of Anti-Metaphysics: On Moore on
Carnap.” Philosophical Topics 43(1–2): 161–177.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2015b. “American Pragmatism and the Vienna Circle: The Early
Years.” Journal for the History of Analytical
Philosophy 3(3).
Uebel, Thomas E. 2015c. “Three Challenges to the Complementarity of the Logic and
the Pragmatics of Science.” Studies in History and
Philosophy of Science 53: 23–32.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2016a. “Pragmatisms and Logical Empiricisms: Response to Misak (2016) and
(2016).” Journal for the History of Analytical
Philosophy 4(5).
Uebel, Thomas E. 2016b. “Neurath’s Influence on Carnap’s Aufbau.” in
Influences on the Aufbau,
edited by Christian Damböck, pp. 51–75.
Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 18. Berlin: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2016c.
“Vienna Circle.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Uebel, Thomas E. 2017a. “Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle.” in
A Companion to Wittgenstein, edited
by Hans-Johann Glock and John Hyman, pp. 699–717. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781118884607.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2017b. “American Pragmatism, Central-European Pragmatism and the
First Vienna Circle.” in Logical
Empiricism and Pragmatism, edited by Sami Pihlström, Friedrich Stadler, and Niels Weidtmann, pp. 83–102. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 19. Berlin: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2017c. “Values, Facts and Methodologies. A Case Study in
Philosophy of Economics.” in Integrated History and Philosophy of Science. Problems,
Perspectives, and Case Studies, edited by Friedrich Stadler, pp. 93–107. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 20. Berlin: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2017d. “The Development of Logical Empiricism.” in
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social
Science, edited by Lee McIntyre and Alexander Rosenberg, pp. 41–54. Routledge
Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2019. “Mach, Jerusalem and Pragmatism.” in
Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence, edited by
Friedrich Stadler, pp. 501–523.
Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 22. Berlin: Springer.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2020a. “Intentionality in the Vienna Circle.” in
Franz Brentano and Austrian
Philosophy, edited by Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette, and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 135–168. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 24. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-40947-0.
Uebel, Thomas E. 2020b.
“Vienna Circle.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Uebel, Thomas E. 2021. “Carnap, Knowledge of Other Minds, and
Physicalism.” Philosophers’ Imprint 21(34).
Uebel, Thomas E. 2024.
“Vienna Circle.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Uebel, Thomas E. and Limbeck-Lilienau, Christoph, eds. 2021.
The Routledge Handbook of Logical
Empiricism. Routledge Handbooks in
Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Further References
Dahms, Hans-Joachim. 1994.
Positivismusstreit. Die Auseinandersetzungen der Frankfurter
Schule mit dem logischen Positivismus, dem amerikanischen Pragmatismus
und dem kritischen Rationalismus. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp
Klein, Alexander Mugar. 2016.
“Was James Psychologistic?” Journal for
the History of Analytical Philosophy 4(5).
Misak, J. Cheryl. 2016. “The Subterranean Influence of Pragmatism on the Vienna
Circle: Peirce, Ramsey, Wittgenstein.” Journal for the
History of Analytical Philosophy 4(5).
Nemeth, Elisabeth, ed. 1994.
Otto Neurath oder die Einheit von Wissenschaft und
Gesellschaft. Wien: Böhlau.
Wundheiler, Aleksander and Poznański, Edward. 2017. “The Concept of Truth in Physics.” in
The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in
the European Culture, edited by Anna Brożek, Friedrich Stadler, and Jan Woleński, pp. 309–346. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 21. Berlin: Springer.