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Richard J. Waldinger (waldinger)

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    Manna, Zohar, Stickel, Mark E. and Waldinger, Richard J. 1991. Monotonicity Properties in Automated Deduction.” in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation: Papers in Honor of John McCarthy, edited by Vladimir Lifschitz, pp. 247–280. New York: Academic Press.
    Manna, Zohar and Waldinger, Richard J. 1975. Knowledge and Reasoning in Program Synthesis.” Artificial Intelligence 6(2): 175–208.
    Manna, Zohar and Waldinger, Richard J. 1980. A Deductive Approach to Program Synthesis.” ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 2(1): 120–121. Reprinted in Webber and Nilsson (1981, 141–172).
    Manna, Zohar and Waldinger, Richard J. 1987. A Theory of Plans.” in Reasoning about Actions and Plans, Proceedings of the 1986 Workshop at Timberline, Oregon, edited by Michael P. Georgeff and Amy L. Lansky, pp. 11–45. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    McGuire, J., Manna, Zohar and Waldinger, Richard J. 1994. Annotation-Based Deduction in Temporal Logic.” in Temporal Logic, First International Conference ICTL’94, Bonn, Germany, July 11–14, 1994, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, pp. 430–444. Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 827. Berlin: Springer.
    Waldinger, Richard J. 1977. Achieving Several Goals Simultaneously.” in Machine Intelligence 8, edited by Edward Wray Elcock and Donald Michie, pp. 94–136. Chichester, West Sussex: Ellis Horwood, Ltd. Reprinted in Webber and Nilsson (1981, 250–271).
    Waldinger, Richard J. and Levitt, K. N. 1974. Reasoning about Programs.” Artificial Intelligence 5(3): 235–316.
    Waldinger, Richard J. and Stickel, Mark E. 1990. Proving Properties of Rule-Based Systems.” 494. Technical Note. Menlo Park, California: AI Center, SRI Center International.

Further References

    Webber, Bonnie Lynn and Nilsson, Nils J., eds. 1981. Readings in Artificial Intelligence. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.