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Dave Ward (ward-da)

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    Ward, Dave. 2006. Deflationism about Qualia.” in Content, Consciousness, and Perception. Essays in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, edited by Ezio Di Nucci and Conor McHugh, pp. 104–124. Newcastle upon Tye: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Ward, Dave. 2012a. Why don’t Synaesthetic Colours Adapt Away? Philosophical Studies 159(1): 123–138.
    Ward, Dave. 2012b. Enjoying the Spread: Conscious Externalism Reconsidered.” Mind 121(483): 731–751.
    Ward, Dave, Roberts, Tom and Clark, Andy. 2011. Knowing What We Can Do: Actions, Intentions, and the Construction of Phenomenal Experience.” Synthese 181(3): 375–394.