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Larry Wasserman (wasserman-l)

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    Herron, Timothy, Seidenfeld, Teddy and Wasserman, Larry. 1994. The Extent of Dilation of Sets of Probabilities and the Asymptotics of Robust Bayesian Inference.” in PSA 1994: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part I: Contributed Papers, edited by David L. Hull, Micky Forbes, and Richard M. Burian, pp. 250–259. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
    Thrun, Sebastian B., Faloufsos, Christos, Mitchell, Tom M. and Wasserman, Larry. 1999. Automated Learning and Discovery – State of the Art and Research Topics in a Rapidly Growing Field.” The AI Magazine 20(3): 78–82.