Jacek Wawer (wawer)
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Cité.e dans les articles suivants
Retro-Closure Principle and OmniscienceContributions à Philosophie.ch
Placek, Tomasz, Wawer, Jacek and Wroński, Leszek. 2014. “Causes and (in)Determinism.” Erkenntnis 79(suppl., 3): 339–341.
Wawer, Jacek. 2014. “The Truth about the Future.” Erkenntnis 79(suppl., 3): 365–401, doi:10.1007/s10670-013-9454-3.
Wawer, Jacek. 2018. “Some Problems with the Russellian Open Future.” Acta Analytica 33(4): 413–425.
Wawer, Jacek. 2022. “How to help Ukrainians.” Philosophie.ch, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy, https://www.philosophie.ch/en/2022-03-11-waver.
Wawer, Jacek and Malpass, Alex. 2020. “Back to the Actual Future.” Synthese 197(5): 2193–2213, doi:10.1007/s11229-018-1802-z.