Charles T. Wolfe (wolfe-ct)
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Bianco, Giuseppe, Wolfe, Charles T. and Vijver, Gertrudis van de. 2023. Canguilhem and Continental Philosophy of Biology. History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-20529-3.
Donohue, Christopher R. and Wolfe, Charles T., eds. 2023. Vitalism and Its Legacy in Twentieth Century Life Sciences and Philosophy. History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-12604-8.
Huneman, Philippe and Wolfe, Charles T. 2017. “Man-Machines and Embodiment: From Cartesian Physiology to Claude Bernard’s ‘Living Machine’ .” in Embodiment. A History, edited by Justin Smith-Ruiu, pp. 241–276. Oxford Philosophical Concepts. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Published under the name “Justin Erik Halldór Smith”, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190490447.001.0001.
Hutchins, Barnaby R., Eriksen, Christoffer Basse and Wolfe, Charles T. 2016. “The Embodied Descartes: Contemporary Readings of L’Homme.” in Descartes’ Treatise on Man and Its Reception, edited by Delphine Antoine-Mahut and Stephen Gaukroger, pp. 387–404. Cham: Springer.
Jalobeanu, Dana and Wolfe, Charles T., eds. 2022. Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31069-5.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2010a. “Locke’s Compatibilism: Suspension of Desire or Suspension of Determinism?” in Action, Ethics, and Responsibility, edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and Harry S. Silverstein, pp. 109–126. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy n. 6. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262014731.001.0001.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2010b. “Empiricist Heresies in Early Modern Medical Thought.” in The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge. Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science, edited by Charles T. Wolfe and Ofer Gal, pp. 333–344. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science n. 25. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2013. “Sensibility as Vital Force or as Property of Matter in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Debates.” in The Discourse of Sensibility. The Knowing Body in the Enlightenment, edited by Henry Martyn Lloyd, pp. 147–170. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science n. 35. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2014a. “Epigenesis as Spinozism in Diderot’s Biological Project.” in The Life Sciences in Early Modern Philosophy, edited by Ohad Nachtomy and Justin Smith-Ruiu, pp. 181–203. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199987313.001.0001.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2014b. “Travel as a Basis for Atheism: Free-Thinking as Deterritorialization in the Early Radical Enlightenment.” in Motion and Knowledge in the Changing Early Modern World. Orbits, Routes and Vessels, edited by Ofer Gal and Yi Zheng, pp. 141–168. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science n. 30. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2014c. “Materialism.” in The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth Century Philosophy, edited by Aaron V. Garrett, pp. 91–118. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2014d. “On the Role of Newtonian Analogies in Eighteenth-Century Life Science: Vitalism and Provisionally Inexplicable Explicative Devices.” in Newton and Empiricism, edited by Zvi Biener and Eric Schliesser, pp. 223–261. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199337095.001.0001.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2016a. Materialism: A Historico-Philosophical Introduction. Cham: Springer.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2016b. “Materialism and ‘The Soft Substance of the Brain’: Diderot and Plasticity.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24(5): 963–982.
Wolfe, Charles T. 2018. “From Locke to Materialism: Empiricism, the Brain and the Stirrings of Ontology.” in What does it Mean to be an Empiricist? Empiricisms in Eighteenth Century Sciences, edited by Siegfried Bodenmann and Anne-Lise Rey, pp. 235–263. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science n. 331. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wolfe, Charles T., Clericuzio, Antonio and Pecere, Paolo, eds. 2022. Mechanism, Life and Mind in Modern Natural Philosophy. International Archives of the History of Ideas / Archives internationales d’histoire des idées. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07036-5.
Wolfe, Charles T. and Gal, Ofer, eds. 2010a. The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge. Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science n. 25. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wolfe, Charles T. and Gal, Ofer. 2010b. “Embodied Empiricism.” in The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge. Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science, edited by Charles T. Wolfe and Ofer Gal, pp. 1–8. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science n. 25. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wolfe, Charles T. and Shank, J. B. 2019. “Denis Diderot.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,