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Michael J. Woods (woods-m)

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    Woods, Michael J. 1963. The Individuation of Things and Places.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 37: 203–216.
    Woods, Michael J. 1965. Identity and Individuation.” in Analytical Philosophy, Second Series, edited by Ronald J. Butler, pp. 120–130. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers.
    Woods, Michael J. 1967. Problems in Metaphysics Z, Chapter 13.” in Aristotle: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Julius M. E. Moravcsik, pp. 215–238. Modern Studies in Philosophy. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co.
    Woods, Michael J. 1972. Reasons for Actions and Desires.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 46: 189–201.
    Woods, Michael J. 1975. Substance and Essence in Aristotle.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 75: 167–180.
    Woods, Michael J. 1976. Existence and Tense.” in Truth and Meaning: Essays in Semantics, edited by Gareth Evans and John Henry McDowell, pp. 248–262. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198250074.001.0001.
    Woods, Michael J. 1980. Scepticism and Natural Knowledge.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 80: 231–248.
    Woods, Michael J. 1982. Aristotle: Eudemian Ethics Books I, II, and VIII. 1st ed. Clarendon Aristotle Series, ed. J.L. Ackrill. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited and translated with a commentary by Michael Woods; second edition: Woods (1992a).
    Woods, Michael J. 1983. Kant’s Transcendental Schematism.” Dialectica 37(3): 201–220.
    Woods, Michael J., ed. 1986a. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. vol. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press. A Festschrift for J.L. Ackrill.
    Woods, Michael J. 1986b. Intuition and Perception in Aristotle’s Ethics.” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume 4, edited by Michael J. Woods, pp. 145–188. Oxford: Oxford University Press. A Festschrift for J.L. Ackrill.
    Woods, Michael J. 1988. Plato’s Division of the Soul.” Proceedings of the British Academy 73: 23–47.
    Woods, Michael J. 1991. Universals and Particular Forms in Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” in Aristotle and the Later Tradition, edited by Henry J. Blumenthal and Howard Robinson, pp. 41–56. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, supplementary volume. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Woods, Michael J. 1992a. Aristotle: Eudemian Ethics Books I, II, and VIII. 2nd ed. Clarendon Aristotle Series, ed. J.L. Ackrill and Lindsay Judson. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited and translated with a commentary by Michael Woods; first edition: Woods (1982).
    Woods, Michael J. 1992b. Aristotle on Sleep and Dreams.” Apeiron 25(3): 179–188.
    Woods, Michael J. 1994. The Essence of a Human Being and the Individual Soul in Metaphysics \(Z\) and \(H\).” in Unity, Identity, and Explanation in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, edited by Theodore Scaltsas, David Charles, and Mary Louise Gill, pp. 279–290. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Woods, Michael J. 1997. Conditionals. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Published posthumously; edited by David Wiggins, with a commentary by Dorothy Edgington.
    Woods, Michael J. 2003. Conditionals. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. First edition: Woods (1997).