August 31 - September 2, 2021

Zurich Workshop: The Value of Irrationality

Hybrid: Zoom and University of Zurich

    The Zurich Epistemology Group on Rationality

    ( <>) is

    excited to announce our workshop on


    *The Value of Irrationality from August 31^st to September 2^nd at the

    University of Zurich.*


    The workshop will revolve around theories of rationality and

    irrationality and their implications for the (dis)value of

    irrationality. We bring philosophers with different theoretical

    backgrounds about rationality together in order to carve out different

    routes of thinking about irrationality. The notion of 'value' will be

    understood quite broadly and not be restricted to practical value. We

    will have discussions about the deontic status of irrationality (Should

    we sometimes be irrational? Do we often have a reason to be

    irrational?), the blameworthiness of irrationality (Does irrationality

    warrant epistemic blame or even moral blame?), and on why it matters to

    be rational rather than irrational (or the other way around).



    Our external speakers will be


    Lisa Bortolotti (Birmingham, UK) – “Unshakable beliefs”


    Miriam Schleifer McCormick (Richmond, USA) – “Engaging with fringe beliefs; why, when and how”


    Veli Mitova (Johannesburg, South Africa) – “Motivated irrationality, epistemic innocence, and white ignorance”


    Andrew Reisner (Uppsala, Sweden) – “The contribution of epistemic irrationality to wellbeing is the contribution of epistemic irrationality to determining what we ought to believe”


    Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen (Aarhus, Denmark) – TBA


    Alex Worsnip (North Carolina, USA) – “Making space for the normativity of coherence”


    From the University of Zurich, we will hear


    Marie van Loon – “Are delusions responsive to reasons?”


    Anne Meylan – “Threefold rationality”


    Melanie Sarzano – “Dangerous beliefs”


    Sebastian Schmidt – “What is the point of the epistemic ‘ought’?”


    The workshop will be held in a hybrid format, so that anyone can join us via Zoom. Participation in person might be possible, but spots would be limited. If you wish to participate, please contact

    Sebastian Schmidt

    You will then receive a link for the Zoom meeting as well as further information in due time.