Newsletter April 2022





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Dear all

I’ve recently subscribed to the newsletter of the philosophy portal They ask me to encourage you to do the same, what I’m hereby doing. All the best

Please find below the April newsletter, the longer version of which is here: All the best

Philipp Blum, in the name of the whole team 


The programme of the philExpo22 (May 6 to 15) is online now: - more than 80 events in all of Switzerland! And philosophy can now again be seen live: today 2.4. in Zürich, for example, on the 3rd and the 7th in Bern, on the 8th in Basel, on the 11th in Winterthur, on the 24th in Solothurn, etc.

On our portal, you will find a special feature on the war in Europe, new articles on the Absurd, on naturalism, and new refugee stories.

Stay tuned for the first results of our project on the history of Swiss philosophy and follow our philosophical press review.

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