April 2023 Newsletter



Swiss Philosophy Newsletter

Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*

We are pleased to finally be able to send you the new version of our newsletter. In the meantime, we have held our General Assembly, restored the event calendar, expanded the information offered, announced two new competitions, cleaned up the personal portal profiles, launched a new research project ("Fluchtgeschichten") and created new thematic focus areas. We would be very pleased if you could pass on this newsletter or the link: http://eepurl.com/hVZguP to some acquaintances.

Of course, we are also very happy about other forms of support, be they financial or in terms of content!


"Warum philosophie.ch wichtig ist..." / "Pourquoi philosophie.ch est important..."

The lecture given by our President at the AGM is now published in German and French: read why our portal is the direct successor of the Encyclopédie


Save the dates!

Swiss Philosophy Olympiad

The final of the Swiss Philosophy Olympiad took place and we are pleased to offer you the two winning essays: 


Discover the article "Collective Action and Collective Responsibility: Bad Concepts and Practical Dangers" by Jason K. Day and Sharon Casu in the newly created thematic focus area "The Philosophy of Anarchism". Any other contributions most welcome, as are ideas and proposition for further focus areas! 

The project "Fluchtgeschichten" collects text contributions on the topic of "flight". Have you fled your home country or are you close to a person who has fled? Would you like to share your experiences and (in the broadest sense) philosophical reflections on the portal? Write anonymously or under your name a text about a topic of your choice: about waiting, travelling, arriving, leaving; about contact with the authorities, about racism and new friendships... Any contribution that makes stories of flight visible is welcome. 

Benjamin Efrati's comic strip about ancient philosophy and the emergence of Europe appears every fortnight in French on philosophie.ch. Immerse yourself here in an artistic and humorous perspective on ancient philosophy.

The conclusion of the vatter&vatter publishing house's Wimmelbuch project - what's next?


We are pleased to announce you the opening of our latest essay contest. This time, the topic is virtual reality. Ready, set, write ! We are looking forward to reading you ! Essays in French, English, German or Italian can be sent to info@philosophie.ch until 1 July 2023.

Philosophie.ch is organising an essay competition for philosophy students in order to publish more contributions on ancient philosophy for other students and interested parties. Essays must introduce the respective topic and can be written in German, English, French or Italian. All contributions will be published on philosophie.ch. The authors of the winning essays will receive a prize of 100 Swiss francs each. Further information on the competition is available here.

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