Workshop: Editing the code of human life - biological, ethical and legal perspectives

Bern, Hotel Rigi Kulm
08:00 - 16:00

The Platform Biology of the Swiss Academy of Sciences co-organizes together with Prof. Isabel Roditi, University of Bern, the upcoming Rigi-workshop «Editing the code of human life - biological, ethical and legal perspectives».
The workshop takes place from April 25 to 27, 2019 and is open to all PhD students (all disciplines) from Swiss institutions of Higher Learning. Applications from Master students and Postdocs are also considered.

Editing the code of human life - biological, ethical and legal perspectives

Genome editing enables the deletion, modification or introduction of gene sequences. With the discovery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system it became a method which is broadly applicable and highly specific, also in humans. For biologists it is a new, powerful and important tool, lawyers are confronted with regulatory challenges and for ethicists it raises different questions of how and for what purposes the technology hould be applied. During the workshop a particular focus will be set on the context of reproductive medicine, where we will compare the new challenges with similar questions that previously confronted our society.
The workshop aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines to learn from each other and to understand the different challenges and opportunities associated with human genome editing.

Prof. Dr. Isabel Roditi, Institute of Cell Biology, University of Bern

Prof. Dr. Claudia Seitz, Faculty of Law, University of Basel

Dr. Anna Deplazes Zemp, Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich


PhD students from all Swiss institutions of Higher Learning are most strongly encouraged to apply. We aim to have participants from different research areas (biology, ethics, law and other). Applications from Master students and Postdocs are also considered.

Please register online and submit an abstract of your research and a short letter of motivation for attending before February 28, 2019.
