Eros Makes it Easy. The Idea of Erotic Capital

The panel will be in English. With: Catherine Hakim. Host: Catherine Newmark
Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, Seefeldstrasse 219, 8008 Zürich
20:00 - 21:30

Men have a sex deficit. And women should take advantage of it. That’s the core claim of sociologist Catherine Hakim’s highly controversial book «Honey Money: The Power of Erotic Capital». While the Daily Telegraph wrote that it should be a must read for young girls, many feminists rejected it vehemently. Catherine Newmark talks to the author herself and wants to know how she came up with the idea of erotic capital and why she thinks the European Central Banks president Christine Lagarde has it in abundance.

Catherine Hakim is a British social scientist and author who earned her Ph.D. at the University of Sussex. She has previously been a Senior Research Fellow at the London School of Economics, where she developed her theory on the social and economic value of erotic capital. Currently she is a Professorial Research Fellow at Civitas, a London think tank, and is working on a book on Sexual Politics.

Catherine Newmark has a doctorate in philosophy and is a cultural journalist. She works as an editor and presenter of the philosophy program «Sein und Streit» on Deutschlandfunk Kultur and as a columnist for Zeit Online and Radio Bremen. Her most recent book publications are «Warum auf Autoritäten hören?» and «Viel zu lernen du noch hast. Star Wars und die Philosophie».

