Newsletter May 2022






    Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. We are pleased to present you with a colourful bouquet of information and initiatives. First of all, however, we would like to invite you to the multitude of events that will take place throughout Switzerland during 10 days starting this Friday. This project, philExpo22, is the long hoped-for and longed-for result of several years of preparatory work that is finally bearing fruit - let's enjoy it!

    Become a member of our association so that we may invite you to our General Assembly in Biel in June. (And feel free to forward this newsletter to all your friends: they can sign up here:

    In April we were confronted with the (absurd) accusation of so-called "Cancel Culture". We took this as an opportunity to invite contributions for a thematic focus: join the debate! 

    Have you read Constantin Seibt's article “Russisches Kriegsschiff, fick dich” ("Russian warship, go fuck yourself!") in the Republik? We have translated it into French and Italian and would like to invite you to discuss it here as well. 

    And the first fruits of our research project on the history of Swiss philosophy are now available on the portal. If you want to help us: we are trying to compile as complete a list as possible of Swiss philosophers outside the universities - any information is welcome (also to


    The festival starts this Friday! Fill your diary with the events and conferences you can't miss during Philosophy Week.

    Under the title " - Une semaine de philosophie en Suisse - A week of philosophy in Switzerland", the association has launched a nationwide event that will take place from 6 to 15 May. The initiatives organised as part of the event are aimed at all curious minds and involve researchers, teachers, students and writers. The festival offers more than 80 events in (at least) four languages and is present in all regions of Switzerland.


    The week of events will open on 6 May with a lecture by Peter Sloterdijk at Club 44 in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Donatella Di Cesare will give a lecture at the closing event: Finissage (on Sunday, 15 May, at 12:00 at St. Gervais/Le Singe in Biel). This will be followed by a cosy brunch where all participants can conclude the series of events together. The conference is organised in collaboration with the Bieler Philosophietage.


    Take a look at the programme and find events in your region. Short descriptions of all events in German-speaking Switzerland and further information about philExpo22 can be found here:


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