Newsletter June 2022





Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. We are pleased to point out some news on our portal. 

First of all, we want to invite you to become a member of As a member of the association you can actively contribute to shaping as an association and as a platform for philosophy with your critique, ideas and membership fee. Here you’ll find all you need to know about the membership. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to people who might be interested, here you’ll find all information regarding the subscription to the newsletter.


Have you read Constantin Seibts article "Russisches Kriegsschiff, fick dich!" in the Republik? We translated it into French and Italian and want to invite you to contribute to the discussion.

The philosophical societies in Switzerland make an important contribution to philosophical discourse and form an interface between academic philosophy and the interested public. An up-to-date overview of all philosophical societies in Switzerland can now be found on our portal.

From 6 to 15 May 2022, organised the first Swiss national philosophy festival, philExpo22 - a week of philosophy in Switzerland.

With a wide range of formats, speakers and organisations and over 80 events it is the biggest philosophy event Switzerland has seen so far. Visit our page on the portal and have a look at some pictures from different events. More pictures and an aftermovie are soon to follow.


We’re not just interested in the present of Swiss Philosophy, but in its history as well. During May the conclusion of our project "Schweizer Philosophie im Fokus" has produced a series of articles and interviews. Read about the funding of universities and the perspectives of retired philosophy professors on the state of philosophy in Switzerland.

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