Newsletter November 2022





Welcome to the newsletter of the philosophy portal! This way you will receive information about philosophy in Switzerland - don't hesitate to tell your acquaintances and discover our contents and the news on the portal.

At the General Assembly we decided that membership will be free in 2022 (until the AGM in spring 2023) - become a member (one click is enough). 

Of course, we are also very happy about other forms of support, be it financial or in terms of content!

Is there such a thing as a common good?

An article on the question of whether something like a common good exists. A contribution by Hasnat Aslam.

Genom Editing am Menschen - Die Ethik-Lernplattform

The discourse project "GenomEdit", a collaboration between the Institute of Philosophy and the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Free University of Berlin, produced a free accessible online learning platform in 2021. Get to know the platform in the article by Andrin Kohler.

Streit um die Wahrheit

Thomas Zoglauer discusses relativism, post-factualism and democracy in his article. Read the latest article of the thematic focus Democracy and Truth here.

Events and Announcements

Lange Nacht der Philosophie

The Long Night of Philosophy has been held annually in Zurich since 2016 and in Lausanne since 2019. In 2019 and 2020, the "giornate filosofiche" took place simultaneously in Lugano. The programme offers philosophical events in all subject areas and formats. The Long Night of Philosophy Zurich 2022 will present a variety of events, most of them free of charge, on 17th of November from 14:00 to 03:00 a.m., organised by a large number of organisers. Whether philosophical lectures, workshops, discussions or café philo - the evening offers a colourful palette for all tastes and ages. The Nuit de la Philosophie 2022 will take place in Lausanne at the same time.

Die Nacht der Fragen und der Morgen danach. Ein Roadtrip durch die Geschichte der Philosophie.

Christian Dürnberger's book combines crime novel and introduction to philosophy. Read more about the book here.


Lucerne has many things to recommend it

Read the latest contribution to the History of Swiss Philosophy project. Marco Schori of interviews Rafael Ferber, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Lucerne. Click here for the interview.


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