Raziel Abelson (abelson-r)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Abelson, Raziel. 1960. “A Spade is a Spade, So Mind Your Language.” in Dimensions of Mind: A Symposium, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 259–276. New York: New York University Press.
Abelson, Raziel. 1961a. “In Defense of Formal Logic.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21: 333–346.
Abelson, Raziel. 1961b. “Not Necessarily.” The Philosophical Review 70(1): 67–84.
Abelson, Raziel. 1969. “Depth Grammar and Necessary Truth.” in Language and Philosophy. A Symposium, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 215–221. New York: New York University Press.
Abelson, Raziel. 1970. “A refutation of mind-body identity.” Philosophical Studies 21: 85–90.
Abelson, Raziel. 1973. “Window to Truth.” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 3(4): 369–380.
Abelson, Raziel. 1977. “Review of Hare and Madden (1975).” Journal of the History of Philosophy 15(4): 497–499.