Alfred Archer (archer-a)
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Archer, Alfred. 2013. “Supererogation and Intentions of the Agent.” Philosophia 41(2): 447–462.
Archer, Alfred. 2015. “Saints, Heroes and Moral Necessity.” in Supererogation, edited by Christopher Cowley, pp. 105–124. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 77. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Archer, Alfred. 2016. “Divine Moral Goodness, Supererogation and the Euthyphro Dilemma.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 79(2): 147–160.
Archer, Alfred. 2018a. “The Problem with Moralism.” Ratio 31(3): 342–350.
Archer, Alfred and Grahle, André, eds. 2021. The Moral Psychology of Admiration. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Archer, Alfred and Matheson, Benjamin. 2023. Honouring and Admiring the Immoral: An Ethical Guide. Routledge Focus on Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Archer, Alfred and Ridge, Michael. 2015. “The Heroism Paradox: Another Paradox of Supererogation.” Philosophical Studies 172(6): 1575–1592.
Edlich, Alexander and Archer, Alfred. 2023. “Tightlacing and Abusive Normative Address.” Ergo 10(14): 395–417, doi:10.3998/ergo.4644.