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Anthony P. Atkinson (atkinson-ap)

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    Atkinson, Anthony P. 2009. Emotion.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology, edited by John Symons and Paco Calvo, pp. 543–555. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
    Atkinson, Anthony P. and Bourguignon, François. 1987. Income Distribution and Differences in Needs.” in Arrow and the Foundations of the Theory of Economic Policy, edited by George R. Feiwel, pp. 350–370. New York: New York University Press.
    Wheeler, Michael and Atkinson, Anthony P. 2001. Domains, Brains and Evolution.” in Naturalism, Evolution and Mind, edited by Denis M. Walsh, pp. 239–266. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 49. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.