Catherine Audard (audard)
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Audard, Catherine. 1996a. “Justice.” in Dictionnaire d’éthique et de philosophie morale, edited by Monique Canto-Sperber, pp. 836–844. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Audard, Catherine. 1996b. “Political Liberalism, Secular Republicanism: two answers to the challenges of pluralism.” in Philosophy and Pluralism, edited by David William Archard, pp. 163–176. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 40. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Audard, Catherine, ed. 2004. John Rawls. Politique et métaphysique. Débats philosophiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Audard, Catherine. 2011a. “The Ideal of Self-Development: Personal or Political?” in Arguing about Justice. Essays for Philippe van Parijs, edited by Axel Gosseries and Yannick Vanderborght, pp. 71–78. Louvain la Neuve: Publications universitaires de Louvain.
Audard, Catherine. 2011b. “Rawls and Habermas on the Place of Religion in the Political Domain.” in Habermas and Rawls. Disputing the Political, edited by James Gordon Finlayson and Fabian Freyenhagen, pp. 224–246. London: Routledge.