John Bacon (bacon-j)
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Bacon, John. 1965a. “Entailment and the Modal Fallacy.” The Review of Metaphysics 18: 566–571.
Bacon, John. 1965b. “A Simple Treatment of Complex Terms.” The Journal of Philosophy 62(12): 328–331.
Bacon, John. 1965c. “An alternative contextual definition for descriptions.” Philosophical Studies 16(5): 75–76.
Bacon, John. 1966. “Being and Existence: Two Ways of Formal Ontology.” PhD dissertation, New Haven, Connecticut: Philosophy Department, Yale University.
Bacon, John. 1967. “Syllogistic without Existence.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8: 195–219.
Bacon, John. 1969. “Ontological Commitment and Free Logic.” The Monist 53: 310–319.
Bacon, John. 1971. “The Subjunctive Conditional as Relevant Implication.” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 1(1–2): 61–80.
Bacon, John. 1973a. “Do Generic Descriptions Denote?” Mind 82: 331–347.
Bacon, John. 1973b. “The Semantics of Generic ‘The’ .” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 2(3): 323–339.
Bacon, John. 1973c. “Kripke’s Deontic Semantics Again.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14: 581–582.
Bacon, John. 1974. “The Untenability of Genera.” Logique et Analyse 17(65–66): 197–208.
Bacon, John. 1975a. “Belief as Relative Knowledge.” in The Logical Enterprise: Essays for Frederic B. Fitch, edited by Alan Ross Anderson, Ruth Barcan Marcus, and Richard Milton Martin, pp. 189–210. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Bacon, John. 1975b. Basic Logic. Extensional and Modal. Volume I. Sydney: ?
Bacon, John. 1976. “The Logical Form of Perception Sentences.” 1. Jamaica, New York: York College.
Bacon, John. 1979. “The Logical Form of Perception Sentences.” Synthese 41: 271–308. Journal publication of Bacon (1976).
Bacon, John. 1980. “Substance and First-Order Quantification over Individual-Concepts.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 45(2): 193–203.
Bacon, John. 1982. “First-Order Logic Based on Inclusion and Abstraction.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 47(4): 793–808.
Bacon, John. 1985. “The Completeness of Predicate Functor Logic.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 50(4): 903–926.
Bacon, John. 1986a. “The Reality of Logic.” The Monist 69(2): 153–162.
Bacon, John. 1986b. “Armstrong’s Theory of Properties.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64(1): 47–53.
Bacon, John. 1986c. “Supervenience, Necessary Coextension, and Reducibility.” Philosophical Studies 49(2): 163–179.
Bacon, John. 1987a. “A Model-Theoretic Criterion of Ontology.” Synthese 71: 1–18.
Bacon, John. 1987b. “Sommers and Modern Logic.” in The New Syllogistic, edited by George Englebretsen, pp. 121–160. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
Bacon, John. 1988. “Four Modal Modelings.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 17(2): 91–114.
Bacon, John. 1989a. “A Single Primitive Trope Relation.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 18(2): 141–154.
Bacon, John. 1989b. “Categorical Propositions in Relevance Logic.” in Directions in Relevant Logic, edited by Jean Norman and Richard Sylvan, pp. 197–204. Reason and Argument n. 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Bacon, John. 1990. “Van Van Cleve (1990) versus Closure.” Philosophical Studies 58(3): 239–242.
Bacon, John. 1995a. Universals and Property Instances: The Alphabet of Being. Aristotelian Society Series n. 15. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Bacon, John. 1995b. “Weak Supervenience Supervenes.” in Supervenience: New Essays, edited by Elias E. Savellos and Ümit D. Yalçin, pp. 101–109. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bacon, John. 1997. “Tropes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Bacon, John. 2002b. “Review of Neumaier (2001).” Grazer Philosophische Studien 65: 261–264. “Mental Causation, Multiple Realization, and Emergence,” ed. by Marc Slors and Sven Walter.
Bacon, John. 2002c. “Tropes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Bacon, John. 2005. “Eigenheiten und Bezogenheiten. Die Tropenlehre als Fundamentalontologie.” Conceptus: Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35(86–88): 1–52. Volume 35 was scheduled for 2002/2003, but published 2005.
Bacon, John. 2008. “Tropes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Bacon, John. 2013. “The God Insight: Vengeance or Destiny?” in Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities, edited by Jeanine Diller and Asa Kasher, pp. 543–566. Dordrecht: Springer.