Davis Baird (baird-da)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Baird, Davis. 1984. “Tests of Significance Violate the Rule of Implication.” in PSA 1984: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part I: Contributed Papers, edited by Peter D. Asquith and Thomas Nickles, pp. 81–92. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Baird, Davis. 1988. “Five Theses on Instrumental Realism.” in PSA 1988: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part I: Contributed Papers, edited by Arthur I. Fine and Jarrett Leplin, pp. 165–173. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Baird, Davis. 1994. “Meaning in a Material Medium.” in PSA 1994: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part II: Symposium Papers, edited by David L. Hull, Micky Forbes, and Richard M. Burian, pp. 441–451. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Baird, Davis. 2000. “Analytical Instrumentalism and Instrumental Objectivity.” in Of Minds and Molecules: New Philosophical Perspectives on Chemistry, edited by Nalini Bhushan and Stuart Rosenfeld, pp. 90–116. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baird, Davis, Hughes, R. I. G. and Nordmann, Alfred, eds. 1997. Heinrich Hertz: Classical Physicist, Modern Philosopher. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 198. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Baird, Davis and Otte, Richard E. 1982. “How to Commit the Gambler’s Fallacy and Get Away with It.” in PSA 1982: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part I: Contributed Papers, edited by Peter D. Asquith and Thomas Nickles, pp. 169–180. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Baird, Davis, Scerri, Eric R. and McIntyre, Lee, eds. 2006a. Philosophy of Chemistry: Synthesis of a New Discipline. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 242. Dordrecht: Springer.
Baird, Davis, Scerri, Eric R. and McIntyre, Lee. 2006b. “Introduction: The Invisibility of Chemistry.” in Philosophy of Chemistry: Synthesis of a New Discipline, edited by Davis Baird, Eric R. Scerri, and Lee McIntyre, pp. 1–18. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 242. Dordrecht: Springer.